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All three boys barged into my room Kio, Anthony, and Josh

"We need you to settle this" Josh announced

I as confused at first but then realized they were talking about my Instagram post

"So who is it?" Anthony asked pointing to Josh and Kio. I just laughed and rolled my eyes at their stupidity

"Is it me, Anthony or Josh" Kio asked

They all three stepped closer to my bed

"Or is it Jaysea!?!?" Anthony gasped putting his hand over his mouth And all of us busted out laughing. They are overreacting about this whole Jaysea situation. I just think she's a cool person

"Babe you know it's you" I said making eye contact with Josh before he fist pumped the air

"Dude I thought we had something special" Anthony said sarcastically

"What about avani" I smirked toward him

He came closer and tried to whisper but ended up laughing through his sentence "she don't have to know"

"Oh, I'll telling on you" Kio announced running out of my room

"Avani!!" I heard Kio's voice in the distance

"You guys are so immature" I laughed plopping back down on my bed

"I better go make sure Kio isn't fibbing" Anthony laughed before walking out of my room

Josh came a little closer and sat down on the edge of my bed.

"I wanted to talk to you, if that's all good?" Josh asked looking serious

This kid is never really serious

"What's up?" I asked pressing the power button on my phone to give him my full attention

"I've just been thinking about me and Nessa a lot recently" he sighed

"Like in a bad way?" I asked cause he sounded disappointed

"No, no not a bad way, I just....I don't know I never thought I would find love so soon, you know?" He confessed

"Yeah, I get that. That's how I felt with Mads. I loved her you know? It just wasn't our time I guess" I followed him up

"And Ness is actually really insecure, so I hope that I'm good enough for her. I could careless about if she was big on TikTok or not. I feel so much for this human and I just think it's insane." He finished his sentence

I noticed that he was fiddling with his hands a lot. Me and Josh are the same way with girls. We know that we're really in deep when we start to get nervous around them.

"Anyway sorry to dampen the mood" He bowed his head

"Nah bro it's all good, I'm always here to talk to, we all go through shit. We just gotta know we're here to help each other through it all" I said reaching my hand out to dap him up

"One more question?" He said

"Anything" I replied

"Why did you want Jay's number?" He asked

"I really don't have an answer to that question, maybe cause she looked cool and I like her vibe. She really fun to talk to" I confessed

I haven't felt like a nice connection since Mads. Not that I'm looking to date Jaysea but she is very beautiful and sweet

"Okay, just be gentle around her, she's had a lot of dumb shit happen to her, she's fragile" he said standing up

"C'mon you know I wouldn't play with her feelings" I said making eye contact with him

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