Some time later, Wells got knocked on the ground but he phased the Nanites out of his body. Wells smirked at the heroes before he knocked Oliver off the ground, then he grabbed Kara by the throat and pinned her on the ground. He started vibrating his hand towards her heart as she tried to get out of his grip. "The history books say you live a long life, Ms. Kara. Well, I guess the history books are wrong," Wells said but before he could do anything else, Barry zoomed back and threw Wells off of Kara. She gasped for air before Barry helped her up.

"Are you okay?" He asked and she nodded before Barry held her tightly, while glaring at Wells.

"That's the spirit. You can't stop me, Flash. And you never will," Wells said before he started to run up the building, and Barry followed him.

They ran at each other on top of the building until Barry stopped and saw FIRESTORM & Kara in the air. "Now!" He yelled before FIRESTORM threw a fire ball at Wells and Kara zapped Wells with her lasers. Wells fell off the roof and landed on a car. He slowly got up, chuckling, thinking he had the upper hand, but then he was shot again with a tranquilizer arrow, which immediately knocked him out, and he fell on the ground. Barry zoomed down and looked down at Wells, while Oliver approached him, and Kara & FIRESTORM landed next to them. "Thanks, fellas," Barry said and Kara gave him a look. "And Fellaette."

"No problem," Oliver said.

"Nice haircut. And I see we've abandoned our traditional green," Barry said.

"Trying something different. Look...I might need a favor from you," Oliver said.

"Wherever, whenever," Barry said and Oliver nodded before he walked off, and FIRESTORM followed him. Then Barry & Kara faced Wells on the ground, as Barry put his arm around Kara, pulling her close to his chest. "We got you," Barry said to Wells.


His name is Barry Allen, and he is the fastest man alive. When he was a child, he saw his mother killed by something impossible. His father went to prison for her murder. Then an accident made him the impossible. To the outside world, he is an ordinary forensic scientist, but secretly, he uses his speed to fight crime and find others like him. And one day, he will find who killed his mother and get justice for his father. That day is today.


Barry faced Wells in silence, not knowing what to say. "What? No Big Belly Burger? It's one of the few perks of living in this time. We're out of cows where I come from. You don't care about that. You have questions. Go ahead," Wells said.

"Not sure where to start...Thawne. That is your real name...Eobard Thawne," Barry said.

"Since the day I was born," Wells said.

"And when was that?" Barry asked.

"135 years from now. That's not what you want to know. Go ahead, Barry. Ask it," Wells said.

"Why did you kill my mother?" Barry asked.

"Because I hate you. Not you now. You years from now," Wells said.

"In the future," Barry said.

"In a future. Yes. We're enemies, rivals, opposites, reverses of one another," Wells said.

"Why? Wh-why were we enemies?" Barry asked.

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't...matter anymore. What matters is that neither of us was strong enough to defeat the other. Until I learned your secret. I learned your name. Barry Allen. And finally, I knew how to defeat you once and for all. Travel back in time, kill you as a child. Wipe you from the face of the earth. But then you, future you, that is, followed me back, and we fought. We both landed some pretty solid shots. And then you, future you, got your younger self out of there. I was so mad. But then I thought...what if you were to suffer a tragedy? What if you were to suffer something so horrible, so traumatic that your child self could never recover? Then you would not become The Flash. And so I stabbed your mother in the heart, and I was free. Finally able to return to a future without The Flash, only to realize that in traveling back I'd lost my way home. Lost my ability to harness the speed force. And without it, I was stuck here. Stranded in this time, unable to return to my own. And the only way back was The Flash. But The Flash was gone, and so I created him," Wells explained.

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