Little Phantomhive

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While walking to my favorite bakery, Sweatie's Sweets, I hear a bunch of yelling. My curiosity gets the best of me so I head behind a nearby building.

A small boy with navy blue hair and dark blue eyes is struggling in another boys arms. He starts slapping the taller boy while yelling at him.

"Put me down, Sebastian!" His little voice yells.

"I really think it would be best if I carry you, young master. I don't want your tiny legs to get tired."

"I can walk by myself! Put me down!"

Before the black-haired boy can put the other down another one with white hair and red eyes runs over to them on all fours. He grabs the bluenette and throws him to the ground. He lands with an 'oof' and slowly sits up.

The white-haired boy jumps into the ravenette's arms and rubs their cheeks together while whining.

His eyes soon meet my (e/c) ones. He stares at me curiously before getting out of the boy's arms. He runs over to me and sniffs me before barking. My eyes grow wide and I back away.

He's naked!

"What are you doing out here naked?!"

He stares at me with an open mouth smile and his tongue hanging out.

"Pluto, get over here!" the bluenette commands.

Pluto ignores him and continues to stare up at me. I quickly take off my sweatshirt and wrap it around him.

"What are you boys doing out here?" I ask, picking the wiggling boy up. After he gets comfortable his moving stops.

    "It's none of your business. Now release him!"

    I scoff and hold the small boy closer. "Why? I think he likes me." I giggle as he rubs our cheeks together.

    The little boy looks about ready to kill.

    "We don't have time for this! Sebastian, get Pluto. We need to figure out what has happened to us!"

    The ravenette bows and turns to me. His red eyes look into my eyes. I unconsciously take a step backwards.

    It feels like he's staring into my soul.

    He walks over and holds his hands up, reaching for Pluto.

    "I am sorry for concerning you, my lady, but may I have the hellhound?"

    I look down and examine the boy. His small hands are gloved and he wears a fancy lookin' suit. His black hair is neat and his red orbs watch me carefully.

    "Wait... the what?"

    "Boy. I said boy, did I not?"

    "I don't know if I should. Your friend kinda hurt my feelings," I fake pout.

    "I apologize for my young master's behavior. He's a bit cranky right now."

    I smile, putting the small boy into his arms. "It's fine. You know what might make him feel a little better? Sweets! You guys can come to the bakery with me then I'll walk you home."

    The tall boy looks back at the shorter one. The blue-haired boy thinks for a bit then nods. The ravenette turns back to me with a closed-eye smile.

    "Sounds delightful."

    I smile and take the blue-haired boy's hand into my (s/c) one and lead the way to the bakery. His eyes grow wide and he starts struggling against my tight hold.

Little Problems (Black Butler x Modern! Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora