Chapter 6: Wrapping my Head Around It

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My head was empty. No thoughts. No feelings. Just me. All alone. Doing nothing but enjoying the peace. The quiet. My head was full of thoughts. Feelings. I don't like feelings. They are a distraction a hindrance. Something about a mother...and a brother.

Somethimg about a dog. I loved that dog. A father. My father. Whenever I think about him I get angry and sad. Why? A sister too. I loved her so much. I feel love. Lots of love. It was nice. I have a friend.... A best friend. A Clara. Pain. Guilt. Betrayal? Why? Tears. I could feel tears. I knew so much but now I know so little. I feel helpless. I feel someone trying to wake me up. Why? I like it here. It was quiet. But then I remembered.

My family needs me. My mother. Tears. She needs me. I feel more tears. Too late. Why? They need me. I need to do something. Fast. How? More tears. It is quiet again, empty. I smile. I don't feel happy. Why am I smiling? I'm scared. So many questions.

Someone tells me something- no someone shouts in my ears. I frown. That was rude. Maybe I should wake up. Someone calls someone-like a prayer. No answers. None. Too many question. I need answers. I ran. But where will I go. I was trapped. Where? I need to get out. Dean? Sam? No. No. That was not right. Who were they? I know them. No. Yes. No. I closed my eyes. I need the peace, the peace needs to come back. Too many feelings. I don't like feelings.

I'm happy. No sad. No! I'm desperate. Something about my life. Succubus. The Succubus said something. About my life. The quiet came again. Then it was gone. I needed answers. I needed to know things. Things that were stolen from me. Who stole them from me? I did. I stole them. The peace came again. I forgot everything. My eyes flew open and I took a deep breath like I had not breathed air for years.

"You woke up!" Dean was all over my face preventing my eyes from focusing. I nodded. "You were out for a week! You were quiet but then you started crying. And I wasn't able to touch you because you were so hot. Like iron hot." I looked at him. What nonsense was he talking about? "I'm fine" I said "and I don't feel 'iron hot' as you would like to put it." Dean still looked concerned. I stood up and surprised myself by not tumbling head first on to the ground. "I was out for a week?" Dean nodded. "You were sorta in between this state. You were both asleep and a wake. What ever it was it didn't look good."

I looked around we were in a house. I didn't recognize it. "I'm hungry." I said to Dean. " Yea? Sam and Castiel went to get us some food." And right on queue Sam came into the house with another man wearing a trenchcoat. They both had paper bags filled with what I hoped to be food. Sam looked at me. "You woke up!" He put the bags on the table and ran to me and gave me a bear hug or as my sister would put it a lemon squeezing hug. The thought disappeared as fast as it had came up. I hugged Sam back. "You woke up! Finally! You were out for almost a whole-" I finished his sentence "week. Ya Dean told me."

I spied the guy in the tenchcoat standing in a corner all alone. Awkwardly standing must I add. I walked up to him and offered my hand for him to shake it. "I'm Iris. I don't believe we have been acquainted." He took my hand and shook it. "I am Castiel. I am an Angel of the Lord." I laughed. At least he had some sense of humour. "Yea. I am Iris. I am the Queen of the Iron Throne and Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms." Dean and Sam looked at me amused. Then Castiel said. "I understand that this reference is from Game of the Thrones yet I do not see how it is relevant or funny." Dean and Sam all said at the same time "You know Game of Throne?"

Castiel ignored them. I looked at him in the eyes. Ice blue. I frowned. I tended to do that a lot lately. "You....? Castiel looked at me waiting for me to continue. Sam took over. "Castiel was the one who killed the Succubus and saved us all. Yes." Oh. OK. I looked at him. "Thanks- I guess. But how did you do it?"

Castiel looked at me like he had already answered my question. "I'm an Angle of the Lord" He wasn't trying to be funny? Angles exist? Well I new they existed but this Castiel Angle was wearing a trench coat? "No wings?" Phhh some crappy angle that is. "I have wings but your feeble human eyes cannot percieve them." Oh.

"Oooo pie. Love me some pie!" Dean was already digging into the food. We all sat down and ate in silence. Personally I sat there and admired what looked like Dean's unconditional love towards pie. By the time we were done, it was already morning.

We all packed away. Trenchcoat angle was no where to be seen. And I discovered that the house we stayed in belonged to a good old family friend that was away for the week. I didn't quite catch his name. Something about singing. We were back in the Impala and on the road in no time. I had the back seat all for my self. Which sucked, cause I feel left out in most of the conservations.

Dean drove for three straight hours before switching with Sam who only drove for like two hours before Dean demanded to take the wheel back. They were exhausted and not fit to drive. "Hey I have a driver's license, I can drive while you two get some rest. Or else stop the car and sleep for an hour. Please?" And as usual they shut me up. Until Dean almost swerved of the road which happens like never and I made him set in the back seat and sleep. I drove the Impala. And I loved it. I was driving peacefully and Sam and Dean were fast asleep. Or at least Dean pretended to be asleep to watch my driving when this random man jumped out of nowhere like out if thin air in front us.

I slammed down on the brakes. I could feel Sam tense up next to me. And Dean was practically sitting in the front seat now taking over the wheel. We all got out. The guy was totally loosing it. "Dogs! Dogs! Many! Dogs! Bad! Dogs! Help!"

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