Chapter 9: Belong Or Do Not Belong

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We rode in the Impala until we reached our destination. A very rich area. By now I stopped paying attention to where we were. Honestly, it did not make a difference to me. We parked the car in front of a posh looking villa. Sam and Dean were in their suits. I was in my same old black on black. I started to get out when Dean stopped me. "Maybe you should rest through this one." I started to protest when an unbearable headache decided otherwise. I nodded and stayed in the back seat as I watched Sam and Dean go up to the door and knock on it. I stopped looking at them and stared at the back of the passenger's seat.

I want to go back home. I longed for the comfort of my own apartment. My bed. My- "DEAN!" I heard the continues firing of a gun. I got my gun out and got out of the car and ran into the house. It was very bright in there. Lots if windows. Voices were coming from up stairs. I followed my ear.  I entered the room with the most voices. Sam and Dean where leaning over something. I moved closer. Sam and Dean were leaning over someone. A person that was shredded from head to toe. "You were too late." I said. Tears were in my eyes. The brothers turned to face me. Sam then said " You don't have to see this. Go back to the car we will clean up, then follow you. " I slowly nodded my head. The smell of blood was starting to  get to me. I gave a good look at the white, purple, and pink room. It looked familiar. A huge wall sized window. Three canvasses: purple, orange and mustard yellow. White transparent curtens. White furniture. I could have sworn I had known a person who has the same room. But there was nothing when I tried to remember. Nothing except for a big wall of steel. I went back to the car. About 30 to 45 minutes later they came back. When they went in. Dean said "her name was Iris she lived with her parents. The police will later inform them of her death. " My head was spinning.  I didn't know why. The ride back to the man cave was long. I dosed through most of it. We stopped once for gas. And once for lunch. I only had half a burger which I regreted eating. I was in pain. My whole body was aching. I didn't know why. Dean jammed hard on the brakes. I looked up. Crowley was standing in front of the car. He was holding by the collar another man who looked half terrified, half like he didn't care. I was impressed he could pull such an emotion.  Sam and Dean got out. Again. Crowley said "Thank you! I caught the culprit red handed. He won't do it again. Is that right? Of course you will never have the chance of doing it again. "
"There was a human there you could have saved!" Dean said.
"That was your job, which by the way you failed at doing. Mine was to catch this stray bee and put him to justice which I did and will do. Ain't that right? " He looked at the other demon. He looked up at us. "What was her name? I think it was Iris. Yes it was. Her soul has been returned to heaven." And with a snap of his fingers he was gone.
Dean looked at me. "That is the only thing we ever get for working with demons"

I was suddenly not able to breath. I got out and took a deep breath. Something was coming back to me. The room. The girl. The room was familiar. The girl was someone I new. Iris. I was Iris. My name was Iris.  That room was mine. That girl was me. I turned back. Sam and Dean were looking at me funny.

Sam was saying something I wasn't able to hear him. I wasn't able to hear anything. I had a husband. I had a daughter. Her name was Clara. They both died. I started to cry as it all came to me before my mind cleared again. Sam and Dean. There was something about them that was not right. They were not right. I couldn't pin point it. But a gut feeling told me that every single thing that has happened to me so far was horribly wrong. "IRIS!" The whole scene changed. I was't with Sam and Dean. I was standing in a field. Two men were holding two women that were dear to my heart. The first man said "Choose" and I wasn't able to. I knew the man. I put him in jail a couple of years ago. Why? I couldn't remember. But he made me choose. He forced me to choose. My mother or my best friend. I chose my mother. Every cell in my body was ripped to a million pieces and then dipped in acid before set to fire.  Clara. My Clara was gone. I betrayed my friend.

My eyes flew open and I jolted upright. I found my self in a room. My room in the man cave. I looked around confused waiting to forget. But I didn't forget this time. I couldn't. And for the first time in along time I wished that all the forgotten pain would stay forgotten. Would stay buried deep down and hidden behind the steel walls. But not this time. This time was different. This time I remembered. This time I made aware that the only thing that was wrong in this univerese was me. I somehow did not belong here. I. Do. Not. Belong. Here. But where am I? I remember my life. I remember everything. I remember somehow teleporting from Britain to America. This felt real. However, somehow,   the dreams felt more alive. More concrete. More reliable. No matter how painful they were. My brain rejected term after term that tried presenting itself in my head in means of explaining my situation. My situation was supernatural. Like that could mean anything.

Thank you so much for reading. Comment your thoughts. I did not lie when I said I don't bite. Really I don't. If you liked this give it a vote. You may also follow me if you want to. I am open to suggestion about the way the story is going. I did have a major writer's block. It sucked.


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