LPNG-So we meet again, Nerd Girl

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After the first period's hectic scene, I am glad to announce I was Kane-free. I attended my second and third classes like a breeze and still no classes with Jessi, Tasha, or Trevor, it sucked but I had classes with other friends who I can pair up with and do homework.

I walked out of statistics' classroom into the crowded halls of Bravery. Why Bravery High? I questioned myself for the millionth time and my mind fired back. Because this is where all the brave's come to school and you just happen to be an odd one here cause you need to be blessed with more bravery. I snickered at my own lame comment but a smile turned up.

"I swear Chloe, stop." I looked up to be greeted by Trevor's frowned. "No." I answered back because there's no way am I ever stopping my wild thoughts run butt nakedly wild. But this happens when you're alone and your mind is your only friend, I approve. "How is Marcus ever going to fall for a weirdo." I gasped. "Take that back!" I smacked his left arm as my response exploded out. Trevor giggles and holds his-I would assume- supposedly wounded arm. But comes close, "Never." He whispered.

I placed my right hand over my chest, hurt, wounded by his response. "Oh, I think I'm going to faint." I slowly sagged towards him for support. Trevor laughs and it would be music to my ears but his response had me on my toes in seconds. "Marcus." I look left, right, nowhere. "Liar." I said ready to harm him more. "You deserve an Oscar, my love." He said before tugging me to the cafeteria. "I do?" I questioned him with glee and I'm sure he hears the cheerfulness in my voice because he turns and stops. "Definitely. But you're not gonna win Queen Bee." He said and continues. "Mood killer." I whispered to myself. "Always." He heard me and smiled brightly. I couldn't fault him in anything.

We catch up to Jessi and Tasha, already eating. "Hey, they're eating already!" I blurred. "If weirdo stops being weird, we'll be eating by now too." I gasped in shock. How can he? I chose to not use violence and walk away. "What happened to waiting for others?" I questioned when I reached the tables, stopping their conversation on God knows what. "Oh, sorry, Chloe. Line just keeps getting longer and decided to not wait this time." Tasha answers before biting into her hamburger. I turned to Jessi and her response was just a thumbs up, lovely. "I'm leaving." I said walking away to grab me something to eat, never-mind that, I'm starving. I don't wait for Trevor because he'll end up at a different line anyways.

After browsing at what's captivating, I decided on pizza. Nothing can go wrong with pizza, right?

The smell of fresh, warm pizza enters my nose and it's the only thing keeping me upright as I continue my long lost journey to it's path. But something causes me to pause because there's only one reason, it's wrong. Everything's all wrong when an idjit decides to cut in line. Pizza, WRONG. Journey, WRONG. Kane, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG! It's all WRONG. "Are you getting pizza?" An unknown voice creeped into my ears speaking words that had no right to, but the spell is broken when it comes again. "Excuse me." It's softer and I blinked to look back. "Sorry." There's a line forming behind me already. I moved up closing the distance between Kane and I, only stopping when I thought it was necessary. True to what Jessi mentioned prior, this lunch period is longer and filled with even more students than last year.

"King, coming to the soccer meet this Friday?" A boy asked. "Nah, not this year." He replies and I couldn't for the life of me not imitate his response. "Nah." I whispered. "Dude we need you." And this time I imitate the boy with all the lovely questions. "Dude we don't need you." Ok, I changed some up but still, Kane, please. He missed a goal last year. Ok, maybe that wasn't nice but still. "You have to join. I'm gonna get Coach to convince you one way or another." The boy said firmly, not backing down. "Oh, maybe we don't need you." I'm full blown answering this boy back with my own specialty. "I'm gonna hold a petition for King to join the soccer team." A new voice entered and it couldn't be helped that others around were agreeing with it. "Please, one miss and another will shortly follow." I said grabbing the food tray from the rack.

Let's Play Nerd Girl - Discont.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ