Chapter Twelve:Sucky explanation

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I'm tired of everything, I'm tired of always getting the short end of the stick. Why do others get to have both their parents and nice clothes with pretty hair and are actually talented. It's just when are things gonna start looking up for me?


My mom literally dragged me out of the room by my ear making it throb with pain. I winced as she stepped into the staff lunchroom and let go. I rubbed at my ear and glared sharply at her. Somehow her glare over powered mine and I felt like a weak child.

"What in the hell do you think you're doing Derek?!"she exploded.

I'm glad this room is empty or it would have been extremely embarrassing to be yelled at in front of a bunch of nurses and doctors.My mom looked at me expectantly and i felt my face redden.I can't explain why i feel the way i feel towards Stiles,I just do.

"I..I'm dating Stiles."Was all that i could think of.

She sighed and folded her arms over her chest,"yeah I got that."

"And we just started dating like two weeks ago."I took a seat on the table and she sighed.

"Derek,it's barely legal for you two to be dating."She leaned against one of the break room counters."And with you guys having sex who knows what could happen."

"Yeah i know it'll be hard to mainta...did you just say having sex?"I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Well yeah,haven't you boys made love to each other?"Mom raised an eyebrow.

"Mom!No!I...I wouldn't...not until he we haven't had sex!"I glared at her angrily,a small huff escaped my lips and she smiled.

"I only want you safe Hun."She approached me and patted my shoulder tenderly.

"I know mom..."I looked down at my shoes,they had dirt on them from my runs in the woods.

"Well promise me if you do have use protection."She grinned and i felt my face heat up.

"Mom we've already had this talk."I reminded her and she chuckled.

"I know but i just love embarrassing you honey."She laughed and started towards the door.



"Are you upset that i'm not straight."I mumbled and she gasped quietly,not out of shock but something of sadness.

"Ooh baby,i'll love you even if  you decide to become a dog,you're my love I would never be upset with you because of who you are and who you love."She walked away from the door and gripped me in a tight embrace."I love you too much to hurt you and that's a fact."

I rested my head on the crook of her neck and i felt as if a huge burden had been lifted off my shoulders,she still loved me.She ran a gentle hand through my hair and we stayed like this for what felt like hours.She kept mumbling about how she'd love me tell the day she died and i would tell her that i love her too.It was nice to finally talk to my mom and seriously tell her about myself.

She let go of me her face raw with emotions and smiled softly.I smiled back because I knew things were going to be alright for a while and that my mom would support Stiles and I in our relationship.Now all i have to do is tell Scott,but I don't think he'll take it as lightly as mom did.

We both walked out of the room and into the busy hospital lobby.I started towards Stiles' room when my mother stopped me.She grabbed my arm gently and pulled me close so no one else would hear.

"Try not to make his heart monitor go off again."I laughed and nodded,it wasn't a promise though.

I walked to his room that wasn't to far from where i had been talking with my mother.The hallway seemed to have been extremely alive with movement and commotion.I entered Stiles' bedroom,I could hear a faint conversation,i stopped before they could see me.

"Are...are you okay?"The voice sounded familiar but it was too muffled for me to make out who it was.

"Scott i'm absolutely peachy."Stiles let out an aggravated grunt.

"Is this because of me?"Scott's voice quivered and I couldn't help but feel bad for my baby brother,he cared about Stiles there was no doubting that.

"Don't be so full of yourself."Stiles spat annoyed,this is the rudest he's ever been to scott and honestly it's quite shocking.

Scott took a view seconds to respond.The seconds felt like hours though,with every tick of the clock the more anxious i became.I could hear Stiles' heart monitor but that was the only thing in the room making sound.

"It's him isn't it."Was all Scott mumbled after those long silent seconds.

"Just leave it."Stiles growled lowly and i felt a pinch of concern go through me.

"No!He did this to you and he will pay."Scott almost shouted but then thought better of it.

"The only person who will pay if you tell him i told on him is me!"Stiles shifted in his bed,I could tell by the soft ruffles of his blanket.


"But nothing,I'm handling this."Stiles had anger laced in his tone and voice.

"Being sent to the E.R is not handling it Stiles."Scott stood up his feet thumping the floor hard.

"Well it's the best I could do!"

"The best you could do?Jackson broke your fucking rib,and you don't even seem to notice how serious this situation is!"Scott yelled and i heard his angry paces start towards Stiles,it was time to step in.

"Which one is Jackson again?"I asked a devious smirk on my face,i had finally walked into the room.

Both stiles and Scott turned to me their jaws dropped.I sat down in a chair casually,i was pretty sure that they wouldn't suspect me to be a fly on the wall.Stiles then glared at Scott and I.

"You two should just mind your own buisness."Stiles glared harder practically chucking daggers at Scott.

"You are my buisness."The words escaped my mouth before I could stop them.

"What?"Scotts eyebrows furrowed.

"I...What?"I faked ignorance but Scott saw right through it.

"What the fuck is going on here?"

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