Part 1

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9.00pm - 12.17am, Wednesday:🌕
It was (Y/n)'s 20th birthday and his friends thought EID Halal was a good place to celebrate. They had a table reserved for all 6 of them including (Y/n) himself.
"Where's Min-Min?" Asked a friend across from (Y/n).
"Who the fuck is Min-Min?" (Y/n) asked his friend not knowing there was someone else coming.
"Oh, she's a friend of mine from high school, I thought you'd want to get to know her and hook up!" His friend laughed at his own words.
"I'm not hooking up with anyone.." (Y/n) gave his friend a serious tone before Soju(liquor) was brought to their table. (Y/n) did the honour of pouring everyone a glass of Soju.
"Wait for me!" A female with long black wavy hair rushed over and sat next to one of (Y/n)'s friend. He sighed and poured Soju in the females glass cup.
"I also bought a friend along with me if you don't mind, (Y/n)!" The female held her glass up to her pink lips, taking a sip of Soju.
"I don't mind." (Y/n) put his glass against his lips and had a mouth full of Soju before a very well built man sat next to (Y/n). He looked over the figure and immediately choked on his Soju, he pulled the glass away and coughed into his elbow.
'Who the fuck is this?! And why is he so fucking handsome?!' (Y/n)'s mind raced with questions about the guy.
"Are you alright?" The males voice was deep and gentle.
"I-I'm okay.. just surprised that you're not a woman.." (Y/n) explained himself, making the male laugh. The mans hair was a dirty blond at the top and faded into a dark brown at the bottom, his skin was almost pale like snow, his face was like it came out of a fairytale; handsome and beautiful at the same time. (Y/n) shook his thoughts out of head and poured the male a drink of Soju.
"I'm Sangwoo by the way." The man put out his hand for (Y/n) to shake.
"(Y/n), it's nice to meet you Sangwoo.." (Y/n) shook his hand firmly.
"Let's celebrate! Happy 20th to (Y/n)!" His friend yelled out and rose their glass and so did everyone else especially Sangwoo, clinking their glasses together before downing their drink. (Y/n) finished second, just after Sangwoo. The waitress walked over to their table and took their orders, (Y/n) noticed Sangwoo eyeing at the waitresses hips so (Y/n) thought it would be a good opportunity to talk with him.
"She's pretty cute, isn't she?" (Y/n) asked, nudging his elbow against his arm. Sangwoo looked at him.
"Who's cute?" Sangwoo asked clueless of what (Y/n) meant. (Y/n) sighed and poured himself another glass of Soju before having a mouth full. Sangwoo watched (Y/n) do so before pouring himself a drink too. The rest of (Y/n)'s friends giggled and laughed with Min-Min, leaving him and Sangwoo in silence until one of them opened their mouth.
"I did think she was cute but her hips are too wide." Sangwoo opened his mouth, he was actually quiet but was loud enough for (Y/n) to hear.
"What do you mean too wide?"
"She's getting fat."
"That's a little harsh, don't you think?"
"Yeah, my bad."
(Y/n) sighed, wondering why Sangwoo said such thing. After two hours, everyone at the table was wasted but (Y/n) was more wasted than them all especially Sangwoo being sober.
"Come on Sangwoo~! You can't stay sober forever~" (Y/n) handed Sangwoo a glass but Sangwoo refused.
"I have to drive, (Y/n).." Sangwoo explained.
"If you say so cutie~" (Y/n) giggled and chugged the last glass of Soju as a waiter approached the loud table.
"I'm sorry but we need to close, I hope you don't mind but could you please go home?" The waiter apologised for the inconvenience.
"Oh no worries, I'll call a cab for every-"
"There's only two cabs that are on the road at this time.." Min-Min interrupted and (Y/n) sighed.
"I'll pay for everyone."
"Oh well that's gonna be 212,545 won.." (Y/n) sighed pulled out half of what he owned the waiter.
"That's all I have.. I'll pay the other half when I get the money, I promise-" Sangwoo suddenly gave the half he had, (Y/n) took it and gave it to the waiter. They bowed and so did the others before leaving. Sangwoo walked over to his car and unlocked it but before he could get in, (Y/n) rushed over.
"Sangwoo, could I get a ride? I don't have any won to buy a cab.." (Y/n) explained himself.
"Yeah, sure, get in but don't make a mess of my car."
"Thanks Sangwoo." (Y/n) smiled like a goof before hopping in the front passenger seat, just after Sangwoo got in.
"Okay, where do you-" Sangwoo looked over at the (h/l), (h/c) haired boy as he was unconscious. Sangwoo sighed and reached over, putting (Y/n)'s seatbelt on before buckling himself in. Sangwoo moved (Y/n)'s hair out of his face before a menacing smile slipped onto his lips.
"Happy birthday (Y/n)~"

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