Chapter 13: Interweaving

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There was a sense of relief from the members of the Music Club, Grace, Moira, and Angela after they were able to overcome the problem they had with the unprecedented number of bands that registered for the Battle of the Bands. The proposal that Aiden submitted was able to solve other lingering problems such as student retention and the timeline for the event, which they were able to keep on its original schedule without having to disrupt the academic calendar and other events scheduled for the semester.

The proposal that Aiden brought forth was wide-ranging and unprecedented in scale and logistics involved. One of the major parts of the proposal includes inviting prominent and popular singers and bands to perform at the Battle of the Bands Festival, among those being invited were Silent Sanctuary, South Border, Magnus Haven, Juan & Kyle, Ben and Ben, the Juans, IV of Spades, SB19, Darren Espanto, Moira Dela Torre, Ysabelle Cuevas, and Jake Zyrus among others - the favor Aiden asked of the Vice Chancellor.

Another major part of the proposal was opening the Battle of the Bands Festival to the public, especially to other universities within Metro Manila, as well as Mount Charlotte High School and students from other High Schools - given that they have a written permit from both their parents and schools agreeing to their students attending the event. Furthermore, invitations will be extended to major donors and proponents of the performing arts and talent recruiters who might be interested in scouting the bands that would be performing during the event.

This was a subtle and ingenious move by Aiden to entice prospective and gifted High School students to attend Mount Juliet in the following academic year; the invitation of proponents for the performing arts was designed to open further investments in the area of the arts at Mount Juliet University, helping them expand and upgrade their area of studies for them to become even more competitive; and lastly, the invitation of talent recruiters would open the opportunity for participating bands to land a non-exclusive contracts with recording studios and agency to help them build their profile, increase their popularity, and exposure well beyond the university.

In just one section of his proposal, Aiden was able to target three different areas that would tremendously help Mount Juliet University – Enrollment, Investment, and Public Relations. Aiden's shrewd maneuvering was intended to boost the image of Mount Juliet as well as further increase its already prestigious standing, not just domestically, but also internationally – Aiden's subtle token of gratitude and thanks to Vice Chancellor Gutierrez for helping him with his selfish favor the previous day.

Additionally, like the Student Organization Fair, clubs and student organizations will be setting up booths and stalls to sell food, drinks, and merchandises to the attendees, a form of fundraising opportunity to help boost their funds and exposure – an expanded version of the initially proposed Music Club fundraiser. Local businesses within close proximity to Mount Juliet will also be invited to participate, as well as select businesses within Metro Manila to ensure that there is ample supply of food and drinks for the attendees during the entire duration of the event - adding more variety to what students and guests could buy.

Also included in the proposal that Aiden submitted was the deployment of the 2000-strong MJU ROTC as well as another 500-strong ROTC Cadets from Mount Charlotte High School to assist with crowd control and security operations within the venue – which would fall under the overall command of Cadet-Colonel Joshua Belarmino. The MJU Public Safety, as well as members of the Quezon City Police District will be providing traffic control and security outside the venue and the immediate exterior of the university.

Per the proposal, security measures are to be delegated to the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Student Council, the Commander of the MJU ROTC, and the Chief Security Officer of the University. Delegation of responsibility has also been divided, with the Chief Security Officer having overall command of the security and safety personnel, traffic and crowd control operations, and deployment outside the venue; the Sergeant-at-Arms will be overseeing the security operations within the venue, while the Commander of the MJU ROTC having operational authority over the ROTC Cadets from both MJU and MCHS deployed during the event; the latter two under the command of the Student Council President.

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