A Heart of a Hero

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Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening. I don't know what time you guys are in but, I don't give a fuck. The Author here and here's the next chapter of my story. And I'll say this right now, I'm sorry it all took so long I get it, waiting was hell for you guys! But I promise, it's all worth it, I didn't mean for it to take so long to finish up. But for those of you who waited, I thank you for your patience and to those who liked and followed the story. Obviously, I was not expecting people to read my story and follow it.

Again, thank you guys!

So much.

Now onto the Author's corner.

Okay, so let's start with the Sludge Villain Incident. In this storyline, that incident never happened, which means that Bakugo will remain an prideful jerk, Izuku never met his idol, All Might, and All Might never met Izuku and he never saw him running to try saving Bakugo, stopping the sludge Villain, seeking him worthy his Quirk, etc, Stuff like that.

The meeting with the Sludge Villain results Izuku to finally being able to receive the Omnitrix, and meeting Azmuth who was the first person (or alien) to brought him hope and continued his Heroic path. Thus, becoming his Hero.

Don't fret readers. Izuku will still get OFA, it happen later in the series! So be patient. This is series is probably gonna be like one of those "Road to OP" stories.

Also, All Might will initially suspect that Izuku's Quirk came from All For One, no person couldn't have so many transformationsz and so many powers (Until now). Our green haired protagonist won't be getting arrested for a petty conclusion, but everything will be explained in the future chapters. All Might and Izuku will still have a teacher-student relationship.

Dadmight include? IDK.

So anyways... I hope you enjoy. And I hope you stay safe during these harsh times and ON WITH THE CHAPTAH!

Oh, and grammar issues ahead!

~[Dagobah Municipal Beach]~

3 Weeks.

It had been three weeks.

That time had passed so quickly.

It has been those whole 3 weeks when Izuku met his Destiny that fall from the sky, The Omnitrix. It was the most greatest day to happen in his life. Meeting the creator, Azmuth, the existence of aliens, and the Level 20 alien device permanently became his Quirk. It felt like he just got it from yesterday. Our main protagonist. Izuku Midoriya was back here in Dagobah Municipal Beach, he was to ensure he could master the power of his Alien forms which he now dubbed as "Omnitures". The term Omni-as "All", and the word shortcutted with creature.

What is he doing right now? The answer, tasking. And what is his task?; to master his Quirk and clear away the years of junk that had washed up on the shore. He had until the UA Entrance Exams to complete it.

Early the following Friday morning, a tall muscular mutant with red skin and four arms is hauling around junked appliances and trash. This was Tetra Fists, one of Izuku Midoriya's toughest bruiser in his arsenal.

The Red-skinned, four-armed Omniture need to get a handle his powers. The Beach was secluded, free of the public eye, and well hidden. The perfect place for him to train and practice Tetramand arts. Not to mention he can do some real good for the public by removing all of this waste and trash. Everything he picked up is either to the recycling plant or the dump.

My Hero Academia: ワンマンアーミー   Arc 1: Legacyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें