They messed with his family, his boyfriend, by taking advantage of their affection for children! These heroes would not get away with this. He'd find Finch, and then they could go somewhere the heroes would never find them. Where that was, he didn't know, but he'd make sure the League regretted ever messing with him and his boyfriend.

********************************on the ship****************************************

   The ride was mostly silent, an uneasy feeling churning in the teenagers guts, for various different reasons. Superboy was uneasy about the fact that Finch had actually awoken at Robin's desperate cry, shaking off the martian and no longer succumbing to the effects. Superboy eventually had to hit the ginger over the head with his strength to render him unconcious.

   Miss Martian felt uneasy at the abuse of her shape shifting. Utterly manipulating their target, only to betray their implicit trust; it felt like a disgrace to her martian heritage and powers. Lying didn't feel good. Artemis had told her how to look and even act to get them to pity her. She didn't like it. Not one bit.

  Artemis was churning Robin's voice in her mind, the utter sorrow and helplessness she heard at being separated from his partner made her hesitate. They shouldn't really question the mission, but she couldn't help it. Why did Batman want them? She shook her head; it was too late for these questions. The damage was already done.

   Aqualad felt similar to Artemis, but was more occupied by Robin's fighting. It was so single minded, his one goal being Finch. They had attacked these two in their home. They were villains. He tried to rationalize, but as much as his head believed him, his heart didn't. The silence consumed them the entire way back, not even updating Batman. Batman would get his answers soon enough.


   He ducked as another bullet whizzed by him. Who knew the Penguin with be this pissed at him for a simple foiled bank heist? Robin knew where he was going, the answer had been quick and simple after hacking the Justice League. Hadn't done it in years, but they still hadn't improved their security. He knew where Finch was, and how to get there through these honestly fascinating zeta tubes, so why was Penguin interrupting his rescue mission??!

   He sighed as he dodged around a corner to hear his pursuers shots being stopped by the brick wall. Robin wasn't concerned by the petty things such as getting shot, which he already had been. Just a graze on his shoulder, so he wasn't concerned. It would probably leave a scar, but just another to add to the list. Robin turned before he could dash into the alley housing the red phone booth zeta tube, when another gunshot rang out. This one hit home, going straight through his side from left to right. Oh well, hope it didn't hit anything important. His priority was Finch and Finch only. He dashed into the booth and crouched, ignoring the flaring pain in his side. Finch had called this kind of focus a 'bad habit'. Robin called it saving his boyfriend. He finally hacked for entrance to the cave as more shots rang out, before he could feel himself dissolving.

   He made sure that his new presence in Mount Justice would go unannounced, but time was still imperative. Finding the nearest grate, he hopped in and didn't even bother pulling up the schematics. He'd skipped sleeping last night and this morning to find Finch and memorized the layout of the rocky base for the teenagers. He arrived at his destination but sighed, feeling the blood trail he knew he left behind him with the crawling through the vents. He turned onto his back and kicked the grate in the cell off violently. He wiggled through the smaller exit, ignoring how his wound almost howled in protest before dropping in with a smirk at his still masked partner "Hey." He said casually to his shocked boyfriend, before passing out.


   Finch had woken in the cell hours ago with a throbbing headache and pain in his stomach. "Damn metabolism." He grumbled for the hundredth time in this passing hours. Then he heard something weird. A shuffling from the vents. He stood up with a grin on his face, a 'took you long enough' ready to burst playfully off his lips at his tiny boyfriend. The grate was violently thrown off as black booted foot kicked it violently. Robin wiggled out feet first and landed, and every quip, comment, and flirtatious remark Finch wanted to make dropped off his tongue. Blood dripped down Robin's arm from his left shoulder and his side's pulsed with the red liquid falling down his legs and already pooling on the floor.

   "Hey." Robin said casually before he collapsed. Finch rushed forward at normal human speeds, due to the damn inhibitor collar around his neck, and cradled his partner in his lap, hands applying pressure on both sides desperately. What to do, what to do, what to do. His thoughts devolved in a panic, for once his speedy thought process failing him as the one thing he had in the world faded in his arms. He needed help, and he needed it now. So he inhaled and did the unthinkable.

   "HELP! PLEASE HELP, HE NEEDS MEDICAL ATTENTION, PLEASE!" Finch yelled as loud as he could, not able to hide the overpowering fear and sorrow. Who cares if the heroes had kidnapped him, any chance they could help Robin was one he needed to take. The door immediately swung open, pushed open abruptly by Batman. Was he just waiting outside? Batman seemed to take stock of the situation immediately at the sight of the pooling blood around the black haired thirteen year old. The cell door was thrown open and Robin was picked up from Finch's arms. He didn't want Robin to go, and knew the uncertainty would eat him alive, but anything for Robin. Anything for Dick.

   The cell door was slammed shut and Batman ran from the room, Robin in his arms bridal style just like Finch had carried him only yesterday. How could all go so wrong so quick? He looked at his trembling hands, the yellow gloves coated with the blood of his lover. He drew his hands to his heart and silently began to sob. Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be okay...

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