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Contrary to belief, being rich and popular was not easy.  It was like swimming in a pool of starving sharks who feast off of each other and you never know when you're next. 

That's how it felt for Tesla O'Conner at least.  Her father was the richest man in their county, there was no doubt about that.  Some people idolized her for it, and some people, such as Benji Hayes, hated her for it. 

It wasn't the fact that she was rich that he hated, it was the fact that she acted as though she was above everyone.  Too good for parties, too rich for McDonald's, and too stuck up for love.


This isn't your typical bad boy love story.  If you came here to read about some poor girl that's harassed by some rich, arrogant jerk, then this isn't your story. 

My name is Tesla O'Conner, and I am the rich, arrogant jerk; or as Benji likes to call me, Little Miss Popular.  This is my story.

**Character Aesthetics coming soon!

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