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She held the little boy in her arms. He was sleeping peacefully and probably dreaming about rainbows and stuff. She looked down at him and stroked lightly his cheek. She looked up and smiled. The man beside her send her one of his gummy smiles back. She was about to stroke the little boy's cheek again, but she only touched air. She looked down.


She could feel the panic start in her body. She looked around.


She was all alone.

"YEONA, WAKE UP!" Yeonjun shouted from the other side of the door.

"I'm coming. I'm coming." Yeona mumbled and rubbed her eyes.

It's the second time she has the dream. She could feel the panic still was in her body. She took off the duvet and sat up.

"YEONA!?" Yeonjun shouted again.

"I said, I'm coming!" Yeona shouted back at her little brother.

She took some sweatpants on and tied her long black in a ponytail.When Yeona entered the kitchen, she saw Taehyung, Mr. Kim and Yeonjun eating breakfast. Taehyung was on his phone and probably texting with someone. Mrs. Kim was in the kitchen cleaning.

"Goodmorgen Mrs. Kim." Yeona said before sitting down beside Taehyung.

"Yeona, it's been 9 years, you should do as your little brother and call me mom." Mrs. K- I mean mom looked over at Yeonjun, who was extremely busy with his bacon and eggs.

"Uhmm sorry mom."

"So, Yeona how was your sleep?" Mr. Ki- damnit dad asked and looked over the top of his newspaper.

"Fine." Yeona looked down at her eggs. She didn't want to say anything about the dream, because she didn't want to worry her parents. She has already worried them enough.

When their mom was done cleaning the kitchen, she sat down beside dad and sighed.

"It's been so long since we all were together." She looked around the table and smiled. "Ever since all of you were moved out it's been so quiet." She sighed again.

Taehyung finally looked up from his phone. "Mom, Yeona and I have been living alone for 5 years." Mom sighed again. "I know, but Yeonjun was still living at home there. And now when he also has moved out, it's been to quiet."

Yeonjun looked up, when his name was mentioned. "What are we talking about?" He asked.

"We were talking about, that you are our little baby duckling." Yeona said and chuckled.

"HEY! I'm 21! So, I'm not a baby, and I'm not anyone's duckling!" He shouted at his sister.

"Maybe so, but Yeona and I is still 4 years older than you." Taehyung interrupted and looked at Yeonjun, who looked him dead in the eyes.

"And if you don't want people to call you a duckling, maybe you should not had dyed your hair yellow!" Yeona said and start to laugh. Taehyung joined her laughing.

Yeonjun stood up and was about to crawl over Taehyung to hit his sister, when their dad interrupted them. "Kids! Clam down!" He looked at them and putted his newspaper down.

There was an awkward silence, when they started to eat their breakfast again. Taehyung's phone broke the silence with a *bip* when he got a message. When he opened the message to read it, was Yeona reading it to over his shoulder.

Kookie: How was your sleep Babe?💗did you miss me?😏

"Tae, is it your boyfriend?" Whispered Yeona to Taehyung, loud enough for everyone to hear it. Taehyung sent Yeona a death glare, but it was too late.

"Tae, when are we going to meet this 'Jeongguk'? You have been in a relationship with him for over 1,5 years." Mom asked and looked at Taehyung.

"Uhmmm soon mom soon." Taehyung said, and sent another death glare over to Yeona.


Yeona picked up her phone from her pocket. It's a message from Jackson.

Jackson: Hey! Yeona! We should do something together!

Yeona: Sure! At the park in 10 min😁

"I'm going to take a bath. I'm meeting with Jackson in 10 min at the park." She was halfway to the bathroom, when her mom shouted after her. "Be save sweetie!"


 As your guide I hope u enjoy so far.💜💜

But as your guide i also want to talk about this very quick!!!

But as your guide i also want to talk about this very quick!!!

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Like how is this the same man!?!?!! And the same performance?!!?!?!  

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Like how is this the same man!?!?!! And the same performance?!!?!?!  


May life go your way!!!

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