This gives me an opportunity to stare at him shamelessly. Sebastian does something to me . He just crumbles all my self restrain and self control with just one look of his eye . It's almost scary how much control he exercises over me . Almost. But he's unaware of the effect he has on me . He can't cause any harm if he's unaware of the powers my body and soul have granted him .

He releases a frustrated sigh and checks his watch. I take my very first step towards him as he turns around. He looks surprised. I try to look unaffected. His handsome face makes me lose all sanity.

" I thought you are not coming. " He says as he makes his way towards me. Each long stride bringing us closer , the gap slowly disappearing. I meet Sebastian almost at the centre of the terrace. It's just him and me now. My body is well aware of his proximity to it. My heart is not lagging at all . It immediately registers the way Sebastian looks at me .

He looks at me like a friend. A good friend. Maybe a close friend . But not like he looks at Catherine. The admiration he holds for her is not there for me. Neither is the excitement .

" I said okay. Which means I am coming. " He nods his head placing his hands on his hips. I like him in this posture too. I wish I could step back and memorise him looking like this. But that will make the whole situation so much awkward .

" There's something I need to tell you. But first please promise me that you won't be angry at me. It's not by my choice. I had to ...."

" Just get to the point Sebastian. " His opening speech is giving me internal seizures. He runs his teeth over his bottom lip before hugging out and nodding " okay. " He's still nodding . " Okay , but just know that I'm sorry. "

" Catherine told me the day before yesterday that she has no partner for the lab projects . " I frown . What does that have to do with me ?

" I try to find a lab partner for her. But most of them are taken. I talked with Alec Woods of our class . He's still lacking a partner. But Catherine doesn't want to work with him ." I still don't know where this is going. But I have absolutely no interest in hearing about Catherine's problems.

" Why not ?" I ask .

He sighs. " Alec's friends and I think Alec himself is also on Ian's side in this matter , you know , they think it's Catherine's fault. " I am on Ian's side on this too. I have done no such thing that can give anyone the idea that I'm on Catherine's side in this breakup . I'm not . Catherine knows that.

" Has she sent you here ?" I inquired .

" No . No. She has no idea that I'm here on the terrace with you now. I talked with Alec and he seems happy about the idea to work with you. "

I stare at Sebastian. I am suppose to do this projects with Sebastian. Catherine has no partner. Sebastian went to talk to Alec about Catherine but ended up talking with him about me. I think I have an idea where this is all going.

" I kind of just promised Catherine that I'll do the project with her ." Right. Of course you have.

" But she knows you're doing the project with me. " It takes a lot to keep calm and continue pretending that you are fine when you are not.

Catherine has Sebastian's lunch periods , breaks between periods and even the PT classes. I just asked for the lab classes. That's just six periods a week. But she stole that too.

" Anna , Catherine is still really affected with the whole break up thing. I would have never asked you to do this project with Alec if Catherine wasn't so depressed. " Sebastian pleads me with his eyes. U can clearly see the inner turmoil in his eyes. I wonder can he see the hollowness I am feeling inside through my eyes.

Given half a chance Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt