" I know " he snaps at me . He looks agitated.

" They are in a relationship ."

" I know that to Anna. Why are you saying all these things to me now ?" He almost yells . He is breathing hard. I wonder is his heart also racing like me ? Can he see the pain in my eyes like I can in his ?

" Because I need to remind you ."

I walk out of the class leaving Sebastian confused and agitated.


Cath and Ian has returned only half a second before the arrival of teacher. This time both me and Sebastian is looking at the same person . Catherine .

The tip of her nose is red. Her eyes glossy and slightly red. Her lips swollen . She has been crying . She has had a fight with Ian .

I look at Ian , sitting behind Cath , at his usual spot. He's doodling something over the diagram of heart on biology text book as Mr Crammer , our biology teacher pours his innate talent in sketching the human heart on board.  

Ian looks up from his textbook and our eyes meet. His face devoid of any emotion. But the usual happiness and carefree look , that suits so we'll , is nowhere to be found in the firm set of his lips and the emptiness of his eyes .

I immediately look away from him . Sebastian is still looking at Cath . The concern in his eyes for Cath is breaking my heart . And here Mr Crammer is busy making one.

When I was a kid , I used to imagine that our must look like the heart shape that appears on every greeting card . As I grow up , I realise the heart is way more complex than that .

And as I see Sebastian now , I see it now . My heart. My Sebastian.

As the class ends , Sebastian doesn't wait for Mr Crammer to leave . He makes his way straight to Cath and kneels at her side . Cath stares at her hands in her lap . I stare at Sebastian and the vanishing gap between him and Cath .

" What Happened Catherine ?" Sebastian's voice is strained with pain and it's my heart that aches .

Catherine sniffs. The answer came from behind , Loud and clear  " I dumped her ."

There are a couples of gasps from some girls and even boys. I wince at the " what ?" That's been said in chorus .

" Why ?" I ask Ian . He shifts his gaze from his book to me.

" You know why Anna. Don't you ?" Ian is full poison today. The way he utters every words , it makes me wince. There is a jabbing sharpness in his tone . Each word like a pointed needle , designed to make you bleed silently .

" You happy now Cath ? You didn't have to deal with the humiliation of telling everyone what happened. I informed them already . We broke up . Oh , no " he stands up " I dumped Catherine Hawk.  "

Catherine bursts out in tears . I should hug her or provide her a handkerchief first. Between deciding whether to console her first or provide her with a handkerchief , Sebastian's fist makes contact with Ian's face.

I yelp " Sebastian !"

" You ... " Ian begins but couldn't finish because Sebastian's fist contacts with his jaw. I leap out of my seat and run to Sebastian.

I grab his hand and try to pull him back . Luckily others have started to intervene and is helping me in separating Sebastian from Ian .

" Will you please stop Sebastian ?" I yell at him . He frees his arm from my hold with one sharp jerk of his hand. I stumble back . Someone steadies me . Alec.

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