Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

There was definitely something about Mialosk that made it more terrifying than Gehenna or Tartarus.

Lea was right. I hated admitting that, but it was the truth glaring me right in the face.

It was something other dimension, some other kind of world unlike any I'd ever seen. It breathed, it moaned, it ate. It was a living creature. Almost as if it was the very bowels of the Source itself. It was an eerie thought as we began to make our way through the pitch black tunnels that made up the realm.

Of course, Rowan and I had no problem seeing while the others relied on the orb Zetnos was carrying. It just made it creepier considering most of what I saw was tinted a light blue. I could see the walls around us filling with air, then exhaling slowly. I could hear it in the way things moaned and groaned. The screams and wails of inhuman creatures rang out on occasion. It reeked like sewage. It was a whole fucking nightmare that never seemed to end and I actually almost felt sorry for any souls that ended up in this fucked up afterlife.

"How can you sleep near this place?" I muttered under my breath.

"I don't," Zetnos admitted grimly, making me glance at him, "I sleep on the surface in Lea's home. This is merely my workplace."

"Needs a break room," I grunted. Zetnos inclined his head at that, before leading us down another tunnel. It felt like we were going around in circles, but Zetnos assured us that there was a reason for the turns and twists. The corridors were ever changing, ever contorting, and ever filled with dangers.

It ramped up my anxiety like nothing before. I'd only had one eerie vision upon entering, but I was ready for more to pop up at any time. Fuck, I was expecting things to come crawling out of the walls, especially after running into a few very fresh looking holes in the walls. It reminded me of a birth canal to be fucking honest and it creeped me the hell out.

"Yeah, I can see why the Shifter wouldn't want to return to this shit," I said, looking around.

"Except it was a place like this that birthed it," Rowan replied, making me frown as he studied the ceiling overhead where a hole seemed to breath rank gas down on us, "The Shifter is the accumulation of evil since the beginning of everything. This place would be like a spa to it."

"Makes sense," I admitted bitterly.

"Why would it want to destroy something like this then," Yiuwa asked, "Would it simply not wish to turn everything into this?" Rowan shook his head.

"The Shifter doesn't see things the way we do, doesn't see our logic. It cannot exist knowing there is hope." With that, he looked at me and I frowned.

"Viv is hope," I pointed out.

"Viv is hope incarnate," Rowan replied, "You are this universe's only hope." That made no fucking sense and it made me uncomfortable, so I pretended to be interested in the floor, only to realize it was fucking gross so I gave up on conversation and curiosity. I focused on Zetnos walking ahead of us, knowing he'd stumbled a couple times and would look back to look at us with this look that told me he'd definitely gotten sucked into a dark place in his head and had to make sure we were still here.

"Maybe we should hold hands," I snorted, making Rowan look at me dryly, "What? It'll be harder for this thing to pray on us if we're latched onto each other."

"Except it can still fuck with your head and make you think there's some kind of twisted ghost thing holding your hand and not the person you thought," he explained, making me sigh.

"Well, this place is a goddamn party. Why am I just now being invited here?" I asked sarcastically. Yiuwa went to open his mouth, but Rowan squeezed his hand to shut him up, much to my relief.

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