Chapter 15

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Drizzt smiled sleepily, being greeted with the sight of his lover still sleeping.
The two of them having parted during sleep, her head buried under the pillows and the silken sheets covering her back.

The faint sounds of a fire met lowly popping met his ears, mingling with Leevrias low breathing as she slept.
In the faint glow of the orange light, he could see the freckles scarcely laying on her skin from the open back of her gown.

He only smiled again and lightly smoothed his hand down her back, causing her to shift slightly. After she settled again, he sat up, the blanket falling in his lap as he did.
The floor was slightly cold of his feet while he made his way to the balcony, pushing the curtain to the side to watch the sunrise.

Behind him, Leevria began to awake herself, either feeling him move or sensing him wake through their bond.

She looked around, seeing Drizzts silhouette through the curtain.

Putting her feet down, they slipped into the soft shoes as she stood up and wrapped her robe around her, tying it at the waist before following after him.

Stepping onto the veranda she muttered his name, making him turn.

She stepped closer to him, a frown clearly on her face  "Why are you awake. It's hardly past dawn, no one else will be staring their day this early.

"I'm watching the sunrise." He explained "From's practically ethereal."

She put her hand on his face, making him meet her eyes as worry showed clearly on her face. "Does it not hurt your eyes?"

He shook his head, pressing a kiss to the inside of her wrist "Not enough to worry."

The princess looked relieved, turning to also watch the rising sun "Ammè (mother) used to say the view of the sunrise from here was that most beautiful in all of middle earth." She smiled at the faint memory of her mother "She said that the sun was a daily reminder that we to could rise after darkness and shine again."

Drizzt smiled as he listened to her speak "She sounds wise"
Leevria nodded "She was. As all elven queens are, I suppose. Many times she told me that meeting my one would be like streaking love in someones heart the same way the sun steaks colours across the sky. I never thought I would meet someone through"

"Why would you think such things?" Drizzt asked, shocked that she at one point believed this.
She shrugged "Every ellon (male elf) who's tried to court me only did it for the status. And ada never let me leave much farther than the forest for patrols" 

Drizzt chuckled "He's trying to keep you safe. As any father should"

Leevria shook her head "A ship is safe in the harbor, but that is not what ships are built for."

The two watched the sunrise, until a knock on her door interrupted. She groaned before walking and opening it, met with a maid who had clothes folded in her hands.

"Maer Aur, my lady (good morning). Prince Legolas asked me to bring these f-for your...

She trailed off as she saw Drizzt through the crack in the door, her eyes widening. Leevria moved to lean against the frame, blocking him from her sight.

"For my what?"

The maid snapped back to attention "Uhm..for your courter."

Leevria took the clothes from her hand, sighing when the girl began to speak again "Also, My lady, breakfast is ready."

"Oh, lovely I'll take double what I usually have, thank you"

"The king wants you to eat in the dining hall."

The Legend of Drizzt: Woodland Princess *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now