Chapter 12

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(A/N these ^^ are what I imagined Leevia looking like. All credit to the original artist(s))

Leevria groaned quietly as she awoke, someone banging on her door.

"I'm awake!" She yelled "Are you decent?" Legolas asked from outside her door.


Legolas walked in with her armor in his hands. She smiled and grabbed it, running her hands over the plates.

"How did you get this?" He gestured out the window "The guard said ada (father) would have a fit if he saw how we dressed for this journey"

She laughed "They were not wrong. I think he spends more time getting dressed than I" Legolas nodded, laughing with her  "I'll let you get dressed. Meet us outside the castle"

Slipping into the armor, she tied her hair into a braid and walked out the door. She jumped back once seeing the elven soldiers outside her door before regaining her composure.

She inclined her head to them before them stood at her sides and walked beside her.

Once making it outside, she told the soldiers to go and make their own way home. They bent lowly at the waist before walking away.

She turned to Legolas, seeing Drizzt beside him now. He furrowed his eyes brows and walked to her "How are you feeling?" he asked, rubbing his hands down her arms.

"I'm fine." She laughed "Why? Do I look bad?" He shook his head, looking more confused than concerned "No. But you drank, a lot"

"Oh Valars. What did I do?"

He hesitated for a moment before answering her "Uhm..Nothing. You didn't do anything. But shouldn't you be hungover?"

"Be what?"


Legolas walked up "No, she won't be. Elves don't get hungover, I thought you would know"

"I don't drink"

"Whats hungover?" Leevria asked.

"It's what happens to men after they drink. They become nauseated." The drow explained.

Gimli walked up, eyes squinted against the sun and rubbing his forehead "Men are not the only ones affected, Drizzt"

Leevria looked up, understanding flashing in ice blue eyes "Like an alcohol sickness?"

Drizzt nodded. "That sounds horrible." She said, looking at Gimli.

Moments later, Aragorn walked up to bid his friends farewell.

"Well my friends, it seems as though our journey ends here."

Legolas and Leevria bowed their heads with a hand over their hearts, the elven way of saying goodbye.

"It was an emor lor nae to fight alongside var (it was an honor to fight alongside you)" Legolas said. Drizzt smiled at the crowned king , sincerity in his eyes showing from under his cowl.

"Until we meet again"

Aragorn returned the smile "Goodbye, I wish all of you the best of luck"

The Legend of Drizzt: Woodland Princess *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now