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[This chapter is dedicated to:  Btsisfreakincute and SharmaineAlcoy4 thank you v much for reading !!🥺♡]



Jimin got out of the bar and went to the Garden.

Just as he said, there were lesser people there. They are all carrying drinks looking sober, others are dancing to the music being softly played in the background and others are just simply talking.

Jimin breathed in the fresh air and it never felt this good.

When they said it's very refreshing to let out your feelings that has been bottled up inside you for such a long time, they weren't lying.

He spots Yoongi standing in the corner next to a small tree. His back is leaned to a fence, he was staring at the stars and it seemed like there was a lot on his mind.

Before he went to Yoongi though, he took 2 glasses of whiskey from a passing waiter and he muffled a small thanks.

He strolled towards Yoongi who is now looking at him, pity in his eyes.

After exchanging sad smiles, Jimin handed Yoongi the glass of whiskey he took earlier and stood next to him looking up at the stars as well.

They both didn't say a word, though it was a comfortable silence.


They both said at the same time.

They laughed it off and Jimin urged Yoongi to go first.

"First of all..." Yoongi began. "Your performance was great, Jiminie."

Jimin's heart jumped in glee at that but his mind is still in shambles. "Thank you, Hyung." He said as he circled his glass of whiskey.

"You know i've always liked your voice, right?" Yoongi asked, looking at Jimin.

Yes. He knows. He knows so well because he's been told many times by him. In fact, the first time they met is because Jimin was singing in the boys' bathroom while washing his hands and Yoongi just straight up went out of a cubicle slamming it and said how he liked his voice.

How it was different from anyone else's.

How it was the only voice he likes.

How it was very special.

He took a sip of his whiskey.

"Yes, i do hyung." Jimin chuckled lightly. "I've been told waaay too many times." He said in a teasing manner.

Jimin see Yoongi pout. "Because it's true!"

"I see, I see. I get it." Jimin huffs.

Silence engulfed once more between them. Both of their glasses are half empty now and people were slowly leaving the garden one by one.

After a few minutes, Jimin could hear Yoongi lowly sigh beside him.

"I..." Yoongi began as he brushed back his soft black hair. "I really didn't notice, Jimin."

"Notice what?" Jimin asks even if he knows well what Yoongi is talking about. He wants to prolong this conversation because we never know, maybe  he'll never get a conversation like this with Yoongi ever again.

"That- that you liked me." Yoongi mumbled. "During college too?? I'm so stupid what the fuck." Yoongi grips his glass tighter. "Am I really that blind? You were there. You were right infront of me."

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