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It was 3rd of December, when 20 year old Jimin and 23 year old Yoongi went to a convenience store after school ended. They always go to the store to buy snacks and then go to the arcade to play. They didn't know it was pouring rain that day so they forgot to bring their umbrellas.

"Ah, Hyung! It's Raining!" Jimin sadly announced. Jimin really love the rain but not on a time when he and Yoongi was out to play in the arcade.

"What?? oh no" Yoongi muttered. "Should we wait for it to stop then?" Yoongi asked and looked at Jimin. "Yeah sure it will probably end then." Jimin answered.

They stayed inside the store for almost an hour with the snacks they bought praying for it to stop raining but it only got worse.

Yoongi frustratingly groaned. "Jiminie, let's just run to my house since it's near here." The sound of the rain drops can be heared from inside the store. "If we wait a bit longer i think we would last a decade here" Yoongi jokingly remarked.

"Wait so we'll cancel our plan to go to the arcade?" Jimin pouted and looked at yoongi.

"Yah, don't look at me like that. it makes me feel guilty." Yoongi said as he reached out to grab Jimin's cheeks. "Its the rains' fault, not mine pabo." He squeezed Jimin's cheeks and Jimin slapped Yoongi's hand away.

"Aish, I told you not to squeeze my precious cheeks like that hmph" Jimin irratedly retort. Yoongi laughed and smiled at Jimin with that gummy smile of his that Jimin oh, so deeply love. Jimin looked at Yoongi with clear adoration in his eyes."Okay let's just go." Jimin stood up and fixed his uniform. "first to arrive will be the one choosing dinner!!"

After he said those words, Jimin immediately ran to the store's door and went across the streets. He was completely soaked from the rain and he can hear Yoongi's shouts from behind him.

"Yah!! Pabo!! That was unfair!" Yoongi shouted to Jimin "I will kill you once we arrive i swear!!" Jimin just laughed but because of it, he slipped on a rock and flopped forward.

Now Yoongi is ahead of him.

"Ah, Hyung!! you didn't even help me up!!" Jimin groaned and patted his knees. "Sorry! I want to be the one choosing dinner today!" Raindrops trickled from his head to his face when he looked back at Jimin.

Jimin just laughed and chased after Yoongi.


It wasn't long until they finally arrived at Yoongi's house. They were both soaking wet from the rain and their bags filled with books are probably wet too.

Yoongi searched for the keys in his bag and then opened the front door.

Jimin always feels comfort when he's in Yoongi's house. The beige walls complimenting the white tiled floor, the organic plants that can be seen in every corner of each room, and the photo frames hanging on the wall full of baby Yoongi made him very joyful.

Jimin's thoughts were cut when Yoongi called his name. "Jiminie! what are you doing just standing there?" Yoongi questioned. "Come in! go and take a shower first and i'll get some clothes for you to wear. I'll just use the shower here near the kitchen and you take the shower in my room."

Jimin smiled at Yoongi's kindness. "Okay hyung! i'll get a spare towel from your drawer." Jimin placed his now filled with water bag at the floor and went to Yoongi's room.

Yoongi's room is completely different from the whole house. Jimin couldn't explain this kind of feeling but whenever he's in Yoongi's room, he feels somewhat safe and he feels like a missing puzzle piece of his life is found.

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