"If I had known you were into girls I wouldn't have wasted my time with your brother." Grace quipped, opening the door.

Rebekah's eyes opened just a little wider before narrowing most mischievously. "Well then why don't you invite me in and we can fix that."

"What do you want Rebekah?" Grace asked, leaning against the door frame.

"School starts today."

"I am aware. Why'd you feel the need to come to personally tell me? And what of what concern is it to you?"

"You are a senior!"

"I didn't realise you had simply come here to state facts I was already aware of."

"I said you are a senior. Precious memories, that sort of thing."

"Not really my scene."

Rebekah reached out her hand to point at Grace; she had expected it to bounce off the invisible barrier harmlessly; what she didn't anticipate was it to land square on the centre of Grace's sternum - Grace who had very much on the other side of the threshold.

"I am squatting Rebekah - the permission of the sheriff doesn't change that fact. My name is on no legally binding document so I have no say over your ability to come in or not."

"Well why didn't you say earlier." She pushed her out the way, rolling her eyes. "You, Grace, are a senior and am I am enrolling - you are coming with."

Now it was Grace's turn to roll her eyes sarcastically. "You are literally a thousand years old, why in the world would you want to go to high school - you do realise that you are consciously choosing to waste your immortality."

"Look there are a certain few individuals who attend your school that I intent on keeping an eye on." Rebekah snapped as she crashed down onto the couch in the living room, her eyes tracked across the room, obviously passing judgement on her decorating choices - or more accurately, lack of - before they landed on her.

"Isn't that Klaus' job." Grace paid her list attention as she went to put out some food for Zeus and check his water was full.

"Nik is gone Grace - he left the same day you did."

"I didn't leave", Grace snapped before calming herself and continuing. "I was kidnaped and decided I should leave before I do something that pisses him off enough to kill me instead of knock me out. There is a difference."

"Look I may be immortal, but you are not, and you should be going to school - it is bad enough that you are living alone by yourself like this."

Grace's eyes fell on Zeus, and her eyebrows raised as she thought of a snarky reply, but she really couldn't be bothered getting into another spat with her.

"Rebekah what is this really about?"

Rebekah wanted to snap back with something smart, but she took a calming breath before locking eyes with Grace - she gave her best at an endearing puppy dog stare, and to be fair to her, she could give Zeus a run for his money. Her eyes were wide and pleading. Grace almost had to look away.

"Look high school didn't exist when I was human and its one of those things that perhaps I would like to give a go."

"And you want me to join you in this misery because?"

"After much reflection you are one of the only people in this town who's head I do not wish to rip off."

"Are you sure - you were singing a different tune not so long ago."

"I am sure - people loose their cool sometimes."

You don't say.

"Besides," she continued. "My brother has ditched the both of us so I am so over that."

Grace // Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now