I'm Back Now.

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"Mommy mommy look at me." Taraji heard her three year old son shout, causing her to look up from her phone. She smiled seeing him standing at the top of the big slide at the playground.

"I see you baby, be careful." She told him. He nodded his head, and slid down on his stomach. He got on the slide again, and did the same thing, before running over to the swing set. While she watched him play, she let her mind wonder back to the day she found out she was pregnant with him.

Flashback 4 Years ago
Chicago Illinois.

Taraji sat on the bathroom sink, with the small stick in her hands, anxiously waiting for the results to appear. For the past month and a half, she was feeling really different. She couldn't eat without throwing it up, and she hated the smell of her boyfriend's cologne. At first she thought she was just coming down with a stomach flu or something, but after she missed her period, she knew it was more than that. She didn't tell anyone yet, because she wanted make sure it was true before she got all excited.

Hearing the timer go off on her phone, she looked back down at the stick, seeing two lines. She smiled widely, and hopped off the bathroom sink. She threw the box in the trash, then exited the bathroom, and made her way down the hall to the living room. She ran around the couch, and hopped on her boyfriend's lap, with a smile still on her face. Even though she was young, and still in school, she was still excited to start her own family, with the man she loves.

"Whoa baby, whatchu so happy about?" He questioned, pausing his game, and tossing the remote on the side of them. She held up the pregnancy test, still smiling from ear to ear. "Don't play with me Penda. Are you serious?" He asked examining the test.

"Yes baby, I'm serious. You're gonna be a daddy." She uttered, examine his facial expression. She was hoping that he'd be happy, just like she was. "You're not happy?" She questioned, her smile fading away.

"Nah baby I'm happy, I'm just in shock that's all. You know I neva had a real family except for my foster parents, and the only person in yo family that excepts me, is yo grandma. Whatchu thank yo momma and daddy gone say?" He questioned, finally looking up at her.

She sighed and laid her head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, and rubbed his hand up and down her back. "I don't know what they're gonna say, but I'm not getting rid of our baby." She finally spoke after a few minutes, looking up into his beautiful hazel green eyes.

"I love you Penda, and don't you ever in your life forget that." He professed pecking her lips a few times.

"I love you too, and I won't."

End of flashback.

What they thought was the best day of their lives, quickly turned into the worst in a matter of three days. When Taraji finally decided to tell her parents about the pregnancy, they were beyond upset. Taraji's father called police on her baby's father, saying it was rape, then after he was sent to jail, her parents tried to make her have an abortion. If it wasn't for her grandmother having Taraji move to Atlanta with her, she would've been forced to go through with it. Even though she never thought she'd have to be a single mother, she wouldn't trade her baby boy for anything in the world.

She was brought out of her thoughts, by the feeling of her phone vibrating in her hand. She looked down at the caller ID, seeing it was her grandmother Annette. "Hey Nana." She spoke into the phone.

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