"We have much to celebrate and know that you and your friends are welcome in our kingdom. If you need anything, we're at your service," Phillip said.

"Thank you, but all we need is horses. We have our own kingdom, our own castle," Charming said.

"Our castle was destroyed in the curse," Snow told him.

"Well-play, Your majesty, you laid waste to everything," Killian said to Regina as he stood beside Brooke.

"Not everything, her castle still stands," Aurora told them.

"Of course it does, I protected it," Regina said.

"Well, technically, the castle doesn't belong to her. It was Snow's before she took it," Charming countered.

"Well, to be fair, I married into it," Regina corrected him.

"That you did," Snow looked at Regina then smiled, "And now we're taking it back and you're coming with us," Snow said.

Regina scoffed, "You can't be serious," She said.

"Oh, I'm serious," Snow said, "Regina everyone out there is scared and confused. They need hope and what better way to do that then return united?" Snow said with a bright smile, "You're coming with us, I know you don't like it, you'll learn to, for our good and for yours."

"Thank you against for the hospitality, we should begin preparations," Charming said as he shook hands with Phillips.

"Good luck to all of you," Phillip said.

They all walked out of the gazebo, leaving Aurora and Phillip alone to whisper.

Brooke was having trouble with her dress, "Mom, how the bloody hell did you walk around in this stuff?" She said with a frustrated sigh.

Snow looked at her and smiled, "It took a lot of practice," She said.

"That's helpful," Brooke said and rolled her eyes.

Killian placed his hook lightly on her hip and leaned down to whisper in her ear, "I'm gonna take off, I need to find my ship. Sorry, love," He said.

"That's okay, I understand," Brooke said and looked at him, "However messaged are sent here, do that when you find it."

Killian smiled and nodded, "Of course, love," He said and leaned down kissing her cheek.

Manhattan: One Year Later...

Brooke and Killian had their meal and were on their way back from the restaurant when her phone rang. Brooke answered, "Hello?"

"Hey Brooke, it's me," Emma said, "I need to talk to you about something."

"Okay, do you want us to come over?" Brooke said.

"No, it's okay over the phone... My boyfriend... Walsh just proposed to me during desert," Emma told her.

"That's great news Emma," Brooke said with a smile.

"Yeah... But... I don't know what to do..." Emma said.

"Oh... that's not so great news," Brooke said.

"Yeah, we're gonna go back to Storybrooke soon and he can't exactly come with us..." Emma said.

"I see, why not tell him when you're going to tell Henry and that you're going to think it over while you're away," Brooke said.

"Yeah, yeah okay... So, we talking about my year... What about yours?" Emma asked.

Wicked Is Coming [OUAT | Two Saviours Series #3 | Killian Jones]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu