Ch 6: Despair

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Hey guys, so this chapter's main focus is gonna be on Izuku, and it's gonna get a bit, actually a lot depressing at the end, and it also talks about triggering topics, such as suicide and death... you have been warned. The reason why I wanted to include this in my story, was so that Izuku wouldn't have a perfect journey in becoming a hero. Since he has a quirk, he didn't really get bullied, just judged a little. This will be the part where he'll start losing himself... but anyways I hope whoever reads this enjoys!

Nobody's POV

"Izuku Midoriya, you are under the arrest for assault and use of a quirk in public. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say or do will be used against you in a court of law." A police officer said as he escorted Izuku out of his house. Inko was bawling her eyes out, and Hisashi was questioning why the police were arresting Izuku.

Izuku couldn't believe that him of all people was being treated as a criminal, for a crime he didn't even know he committed. He had always thought that he'd be the one arresting criminals, not the other way around.

"W-what did I even do?" Izuku asked. He was obviously scared since he didn't know what was going to happen to him.

"We'll talk down at the station boy, now come."

Izuku complied, still visibly scared, while his mother was crying. Hisashi tried his best to hide his emotions, but it was near impossible. He wanted to stay strong for his wife, but he hid all too much from his family. You see, Hisashi Midoriya was suffering from lung cancer, attributed to an accident at his work place a few years ago. He hadn't told his wife or child about it, because he didn't want to worry them. He was out a lot, either at his job, or just taking a stroll through the city. He had gone to the doctor and hospital many times, but had never told his family. He would make up excuses that he had to stay overnight somewhere to finish his work, or he was out with friends. His condition was getting worse, and it was getting harder and harder by the day to keep his sickness a secret.

"I'm so sorry honey..." Hisashi tried comforting his wife while coughing a bit as she was crying. He couldn't bear seeing her like this, and he didn't want to pain her with telling her about his condition. She already had enough to worry about, since all Izuku wanted to do was become a hero. She worried about him, day in and day out, always scared that he might come home hurt, or worse... he wouldn't come back at all. She was skeptical of letting Izuku go to UA, because frankly, she didn't want him to become a hero. She didn't want to face the fact that one day, he could fail, and tragedy could strike. She wouldn't be able to live with the burden, that her only son could be... killed.

And now look at what had happened. Her son was taken away with the police, in handcuffs. The quirk suppressing handcuffs had no effect on him, since his quirk wasn't a normal one. It is impossible to suppress a stand, unless you completely destroy it all together. The police knew about this, that's why they gave him ordinary handcuffs. They didn't know if Izuku would take out his quirk or not, since he did seem violent in that video they were shown... the video that they didn't know the context to. They were just assuming from what they saw, that Izuku attacked the boy, because he was rich, and wanted to mug him. They didn't know about Izuku's heart, and his wish to become a hero. They treated him, as though he was any other villain... something that would tear a kid dreaming to become a hero apart.

Time reverse - 1 hour ago

Neito Monoma, and his goons had just arrived to the police station. They were ready to go through with their plan, all because they were angry that Izuku stopped them from commuting a crime that would change the life of a girl forever. Something they obviously didn't care about. All they wanted was for their lustful desires to come true.

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