Family Dinner

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Do you guys like my choice of photo 😂 I searched Garden Lodge photos and most of the ones with Mary popped up so it fit the scene 😁 ok one with the story....

Grabbing Johnny by his arm and pulling him away from the circle they were standing in Noel scolded him.
"Explain to me what the FUCK are you doing here? And with Mary?" she said through gritted teeth. Smirking Johnny was pleased with the reaction he was getting out of her. "Jealous?" he asked with high hopes. "Pfft are you kidding me? No but I'm mortified once again!'re stalking me...and Freddie! first you attack him now you show up at his house? With his ex fiance'?" Starting to feel faint Noel searched for a chair to sit in.

Noticing her heavy breathing and sitting down Freddie ran over to her. "Are you alright dear?" he asked grabbing her hand. "Yes...I'm just so fed up with all this shit" laughing at her potty mouth something Freddie loved about her he kissed her forehead and helped her to her feet. Johnny walked over next to Mary grabbing her by her waist. He held his hand out to Freddie, looking at it hesitantly Freddie slowly reached out and simply shook his hand.

"Freddie are you going to introduce me to your friend?" Mary asked with piercing blue eyes. "Oh right! Darling this is Mary....Mary this is my girlfriend Noel" reaching her delicate hand out Noel noticed she wore a ring on her wedding finger. Realizing she was staring at Mary spoke "oh you've noticed my ring? Do you like's a present from Freddie...he made me promise to never take it off" smirking a bit she proudly turned her head to Freddie who was increasingly nervous.

"Um right...well that was many moons ago dear!" he said sipping from his glass of champagne. "Interesting..." said Noel who never returned Mary's handshake. "Hey you guys! Dinner is on the table! called one of the men from earlier. "Righty-O!" Freddie led the way followed by Noel, Mary and Johnny. Walking into the dining room Freddie sat at the head of the table. Noel sat to his right, and Mary to his left. Gazing holes into each other's face her and Mary were in a stare down.

Veronica and John joined the table making it now a complete dinner. The children ate separately with a the Deacon's nanny outside. "Well dig in everyone!" said a giddy-ish Freddie. The table was filled with silence, just about everyone at the table had been fucked by Freddie at some point and they all held feelings for him. "So Fred how do you feel about the riff Brian showed us the other day?" asked John breaking the silence. "Oh it sounded great darling but you know can't tell him anything he's always right!" this being ironically said by him because Freddie was also known to be stubborn.

"So Johnny....tell me how did you and Mary meet?" asked Noel who was curious to know what his agenda was. "Actually it was quite funny...we've been chatting on the phone for weeks I found her in the yellow pages...we found that we were fond of one another so she flew me out here." Choking a bit on her champagne Noel laughed "Ha! so let me get this contacted Freddie's ex...whatever...and now you're dating her?" Mary's eyes grew wide she looked around pretending not to hear their conversation a long with everyone else at the table. " know he's my..." feeling her headache intensify Noel ran from the table.

Bending over and hyperventilating she found herself splashing cold water over her face in the kitchen sink. From the kitchen she could see the children from a window. This soothed her and she watched her very own daughters playing with her 1/4 of her idols children. "You alright?" asked one of the men from New York. "Oh...yes I'm just confused really" said Noel as she finally got a hold of herself. "Listen...don't let any of them get to's no secret who Freddie is and it's certainly no secret he can be promiscuous..." rolling her eyes Noel wasn't liking the direction of the conversation.

"But...if it makes you feel any better I've never seen him look at anyone the way he looks at you...and for him to introduce you to all of us...that says a lot!" Feeling happy that she finally found someone she could potentially get a long with out of this whole fiasco Noel smiled warmly. "Wow...thank you so much that really means a lot to me!" coming in closer he put a hand up by his face whispering "Don't tell Freddie I told you any of that...oh and also don't tell him this...I think your children's father is gorgeous! you have great taste love!" he said with a wink. "I don't think I've caught your name..." the man put his hand on her shoulder. "Im Lee Nolan" his lips curled into a big smile with a fully grown mustache hanging over them. "Hi Lee" said Noel

The children eventually joined everyone inside. The Deacon's we're packing up to leave. "Well I gotta get the pack home, see you at the studio Fred!" said John. Kissing Veronica on the cheek and hugging John he showed them out. "Daddy!!" yelled Rose who was shocked to see her father had joined them. Carrying in little Karen who had fallen asleep Noel headed towards the guest bedroom they had been sleeping in. Putting the toddler in bed Noel came back into the dining room "Rose sweety come join your sister in bed!" the excited child pouted "but mommy daddy's here!"
"Yeah not for long...he's going back home tonight so kiss him goodbye you'll see him when we return back home.." she said releasing her anger that lurked due to his presence. "Ok ok...night daddy...night Freddie...night miss" said Rose as she joined her little sister.

"...well we're going to head off too Freddie call us up when you decide to have another ex theme dinner party!" said one of the handsome New York men who may have had a little too much champagne. "Bye Fred bye Noel" said Lee who kissed both of them cheek.
Now it was only Johnny and Mary left.
"Okay look now that everyone is gone I've waited out of respect for my boyfriend's personal business to ask further questions but what exactly are you 2 up to?" she asked shaking her head at both Mary and Johnny.
Covering her mouth innocently Mary was taken aback "Noel...honey it's all innocent, yes I'll admit when Johnny told me who he was I was a bit concerned but we really just grew fond of on another...really!" she said placing her ringed hand ontop of Johnny's.

"Are you buying this?" asked Noel looking at Freddie who remained quiet the whole evening. Truth be told he was feeling quite angry with how the night played out. "Dear...for once I'm sick of the theatrics...can't we all just have a shag fest?" asked Freddie who had a bit too much to drink himself. Rolling her eyes with disgust Noel turned back to Mary. "Ok so did Johnny tell you he attacked Freddie last month?!" Mary's cheeks turned red she felt silly and had no response. "...yea that's what I thought" Johnny jumped in to the rescue "actually no I didn't tell her because I didn't want her to think less of me...I'm moving on Noel just like you told me to!" standing up from her seat she shouted "yeah not with my boyfriends ex!!!!"

"Ok ok...let's just calm down Noel take Freddie to bed, Johnny and I will show ourselves out" As they headed towards to the door Noel looked over at Freddie who was now passed out in his chair. As Johnny and Mary walked back to her car they both exhaled. "Well that couldn't of gone worse!" she said throwing her hands up. Johnny sat silent putting on his seat belt.

"And next time you come to me with a scheme let me know that you've assaulted the person first!" Johnny turned to Mary "yea...sorry I should've told you...we need to make this more believing if we're going to break them up!" he said stroking Mary's face. "Don't's not going to take much...if I know Freddie he's going to get bored eventually and dump her" laughing simultaneously they both fascinated over their plot to ruin Freddie and Noel's relationship.

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