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Noel arrived at the police station, walking in glowing after Freddie stuck to his word and made her cum 4 times before she left. A police guard guided her to where they kept the cells. "Mr. Gonzales you're free to go" he said as he opened the cell door.

As they walked out Johnny tried to hold Noel's hand "...thank you for coming down here on such short notice..." pulling her hand away with a look of disgust "don't get the wrong idea're the father of my kids and I won't allow you to embarass me like this...what the fuck were you thinking attacking Freddie? You're lucky he didn't press charges!" Trying to find a cab Noel noticed the sun was almost out. "Look I fucked up I know I'm so sorry but....I can't deal with seeing you with him..." she could see the sadness in his eyes. Bringing her hands to the sides of her temples "look need to accept that our relationship is over and it's been over...I'm happy with Freddie now and it's going to continue...please don't make this harder than it has to be..."

"You know what....just go...I'll find my own cab home" he said finally giving up on his hopes of being a family again. Going home to drown his sorrows in drugs and alcohol Johnny went his separate way and disappeared into the early New York morning.

"Mommy's back!" said little Karen jumping off Freddie's lap who was reading a book to her. "Yayyyy!" yelled out Freddie who ran behind the 2 little girls. All 3 of them tackled Noel to the ground, caught up in laughter and fun. Freddie stopped in the midst of it and looked at the woman in his heart and her 2 children. He grown to love them all and was ready to push the relationship further.

"Come back to London with me...all 3 of you!" said Freddie completely shocking Noel. "What did you just say?" she asked with her eyes widened. "You heard me...I want the 3 of you to come stay with me for the rest of our recording process...just look at it as an extended holiday..." Noel couldn't resist the magnetism of Freddie's eyes. She knew he meant it because whenever he spoke of something with passion his eyes became even darker.

"Freddie I would love that so much...but with everything thats happened with Johnny...I'm not sure if it's a good idea" she said holding the side of his face. "But that's exactly why it's a wonderful idea! Let's get away from all the hysterics...and the girls would totally enjoy it! They can play with Brian, Rog and John's children!"
"Yes mommy lets go lets go!" said an enthusiastic Rose. Appreciating how much Freddie won over her children's affections Noel couldn't help but accept his offer. "Okay but first I-"
"Yay!!!!" the 3 of them yelled toppling over on top of Noel once again.

1 month later

"wow you look amazing for 6 months pregnant!" said Noel as she greeted a happily pregnant Veronica Deacon. "Ugh I can't wait for it to be over!" she said rubbing her belly. "I know what you mean! little Karen took a lot of me" said Noel remembering her own pregnancies. Freddie walked over to the 2 chatting women handing Noel a shirley temple and Veronica an iced tea.
"Thank you baby" said Noel as she returned Freddie's kiss. "The children are getting along quite well!" he said taking a sip from his beer.

Looking over Freddie's shoulder Noel noticed a group of men walking into the back of Freddie's home. "Who's guest are those?" she asked. " they're friends of mine actually dear, wanna meet them?" he asked nervously hoping she'd say no. "Sure...I'd love to actually" standing up fixing her dress she took Freddie's hand and followed him into the house. "Hello boys! This is my lovely girlfriend Noel" he said to the boys who awkwardly stared at Noel making her a bit uncomfortable.

Clearing his throat as a sign for the men to greet Noel back the dark haired one in the middle finally spoke. "Ohh yes right right...Fred mentioned you're from New York as well!"
"Oh really? Small world!" she said looking at Freddie wondering why he never mentioned his friends before.
"Well mingle upon yourselves darlings...dinner shall be ready soon!" said Freddie. The 3 men walked away Whispering and giggling like school girls. With a raised eyebrow Noel turned to Freddie "Dare I ask how you know them..." she said to a blushing Freddie. "Ok...fine I might have had relations with them...but I've made it clear that I'm serious about us Noel. Her jealousy always got the best of her, Noel knew Freddie believed what he was saying but she also knew him well enough to know that he gave into his temptations a lot. "I just...don't ever want to loose you" she said wrapping her arms around his waist.

"No man or woman could ever steal me away from you" he said kissing her on the tip of her nose, his thick mustache tickling her face. Feeling so in love Noel pulled Freddie by his neck and shoved her tounge down his throat kissing him hard and passionately. Growing harder and harder he pushed his thick erection against her thigh. "Mmm I wanna fuck you so bad right now..." he growled in between kisses. "Please...yes" was all she managed to get out.

Just as they were heading for the stairs Peter Freestone walked in. "Sorry to interrupt Fred...but Mary just arrived and she brought a guest with her..." both Noel and Freddie turned around to see a smiling Mary walking in leading the man behind her. "" they both said simultaneously. "Hi Freddie...Hi Noel...I hope you don't mind but I brought a long my date...this is Johnny!"

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