New Beginnings

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~ 3 months later ~

With The Game tour ending, Noel and Freddie were consistently dating with Freddie flying in on his days off in between shows. Most of the time he slept for hours due to exhaustion from the tour and the rest of the time they were going at it like rabbits. They decided not to go public with their relationship, in fact they hadn't even told their families or close friends not even the rest of the band knew.

"Hello my love" said Freddie on the other end of the line. "Hey you" said Noel sleepily due to the difference in time zones. "Did I wake you?" asked Freddie "No no I was kind of already awake, hoping you'd call..." Noel said sweetly into the phone, hearing Freddie light a cigarette she waited for him to speak "Tell me darling how was your day?"
"It was good and the girls had a fun day at the park...we actually heard one of your songs someone was playing on their radio at a picnic table next to us..." laying on her stomach and twirling her hair Noel loved late night conversations with Freddie she felt like they opened up to each other more for some reason. "That's nice dear glad to hear we're doing well in America"
"Well you's should be!" A silence took over the conversation.

"So when are you going home?" Noel asked "Our flight is scheduled in 3 days tomorrow evening is the last show" Sad that Noel couldn't attend any of their shows because of work and being a mommy, she sighed into the phone. "I miss you so much it hurts that even when you are done touring you're still going to be a country away."
"I know darling but we've discussed this...being who I am we must accept the challenges that come with this know" frowning into the phone "Relationship Freddie! gosh you can't even say the word..." she could sense him rolling his eyes through the phone. "Well it doesn't feel much like're harder to see than I am!"

Now angry Noel bursted out "Sorry I have responsibilities Freddie you of all people should know that!" No response came. "....I just feel like he's stopping you" Freddie had offered Noel and the girls to come stay with him in London for a few months to make up for lost time and as a way to introduce Freddie to the girls. "No Freddie, Johnny has nothing to do with this...I can't just drop my life...what if I lose my job?"
"Fuck them darling! I'll pay you for your time here..." not amused by his gesture Noel felt a headache approaching " know I would never allow that"
"...and they say I'm stubborn you're bloody stubborn as a bull" his cute accent made her smile. That was one thing about Freddie, she could only be upset with him for so long.

"I promise I'll make it up to you baby" Noel said seductively "mmm and just how are you going to do that?"
"Oh you'll's going to involve lots of cum!" Laughing into the phone "you're so filthy...I can't wait" Freddie said. "Hey got any beers left?" said the voice of a man. "Shh" Noel could hear Freddie hushing the unknown voice up. "...uh dear I have to go I need to get some sleep while I can...I'll call you before the last show...goodnight and goodbye!" before she could respond he hung up, Noel wondered why he was being so secretive. "That was odd...." she spoke to herself before drifting off to sleep.

The next morning came Noel was awoken by knocking at the door. "Coming coming hold your horses!" she called out while putting on her robe. Opening the door there stood an anxious Johnny. "Why didn't you tell me you were seeing another man?" he asked as he invited himself in. "What are you talking about?" a confused Noel questioned, wondering how he found out. "I don't know maybe this!!" he slammed a newspaper with a photo of Freddie and Noel onto the table.

Queen's leader seen with American mystery woman read the caption. Thankfully Noel's face was barely visible "why on earth do you think this is me?" she asked him "...the bracelet Noel..." Johnny said pointing to it. It was a bracelet he bought her after the birth of their first daughter. ".....oh" she said awkwardly unable to avoid the situation. "And how the fuck are you seeing Freddie fucking Mercury?!" now with a raised voice. "Hey...quiet the girls are still sleeping....look I'm sorry I didn't mention it...we decided to keep it private" laughing with sarcasm "Ha! I bet you's're probably just another groupie you know...since when were you into gay guys?" now angry at his disrespect Noel stopped holding back "listen I know you're angry I didn't tell you sooner but just because we share children doesn't mean I have to tell you everything Johnny!! Don't ever speak like that about me or him ever again!"

"You don't think telling me you're fucking an international rock star is kind of important?"
"Not to you it shouldn't be!" she said with her hands on her hips. " least tell me how this hap-" stopping in mid sentence Johnny remembered Noel's job interview in London the one she didn't get. "Wait...they're from London right...and you went to this when it happened?!" stressed out Noel sat down with her hands in her face.

"...yes, I had an interview to be their PR but obviously I'm not a PR so I lost it before I even got know how I felt about them and him I never hid how much of a fan I was when we were together" Johnny became frustrated "My God Noel yes I knew you were a fan but what are the odds the mother of my children meets her idol and becomes his whore?!" slapping him across the face Noel felt tears build in her eyes. "...get out!" she cried pointing towards the door. Without another word Johnny left slamming the door behind him. A cry came from the girls room "....great" said Noel as she wiped her eyes and put on a brave face.

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