What does this mean?

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After a moment of lust and temptation, Freddie and Noel couldn't exactly pinpoint what this vibe was they felt between each other but they both knew it was there from the moment they met. Freddie broke the silence by lifting himself off the bed and reaching for his clothes "Well that was amazing dear, I quite enjoyed myself...so I'll be seeing you around..." Noel sat up in the bed and fixed her sex hair. "Oh okay...well good night then" she said with a sad tone, after putting all his clothing back on Freddie turned his back to Noel and started heading towards the door. As he reached for the knob he stopped in his tracks, looking over his shoulder he felt a gravitational pull to Noel. Connecting her eyes with Freddie's from across the room Noel stared back but didn't speak hoping Freddie would speak first.

Instead he continued on and left. Shutting the door behind him he leaned back against it. "What was that?" he whispered to himself wondering why it was so hard for him to leave. Being the sex God he was Freddie was used to a quick hook up with no further connections. With Noel it felt different, shrugging his shoulders and ignoring his feelings he made his journey back to his own hotel suite. Noel laid back down onto the bed nervously biting her nails she had to take a moment to soak in what had just taken place in her bed. Sniffing the pillow Freddie had lay his head on she could still smell his scent. It was addicting, even his head sweat smelt sweet and lustful. After laying in the bed until the warmth from their bodies left, Noel peeled herself off it and found her way into the bathroom to take a nice hot shower.

Around this time last week, Noel was a struggling hard working single Mom. Now she found herself in London not only with a job occupation for Queen but also having Freddie Mercury's cock deep inside of her. She never had imagined this not even in her wildest dreams, the odds seem to be in her favor. There was just one mistake she made, and that was not telling Jim Beach or even Freddie about her two precious little girls who awaited her back home. How would she manage to be Queen's new PR and a full time Mother. Lost in her anxiety, Noel leaned her head against the shower not sure what to make of this situation. She still had a few days left in London and with him. "Let's just make the best of it..." she said told herself trying to calm her nerves. As she got ready for bed she noticed her sheets had cum stains all over them, not sure if they were hers or Freddie's. Smiling to herself about the events that had taken place not to long ago she decided to sleep in them for the night. As she drifted off to sleep the phone rang, hoping it wasn't the babysitter and that nothing was wrong with the girls she hurriedly picked up the phone "...yes hello?!" she said anxiously. All that could be heard was silence, "hello? Who's this?" Noel asked again. Suddenly the connection was lost the person on the other end hung up. "That was odd..." now awake and unable to go back to sleep Noel decided to order room service. "Yes I would like some chocolate covered strawberries and some champagne sent up to my room please". After hanging up, Noel was happy to pamper herself especially because all expenses were paid by Queen enterprises and she couldn't even remember the last time she had time for herself "...might as well make the best of it" said Noel. As she turned on the table lamp beside her a knock was at the door. "Coming!" she yelled putting on a silk robe, when she opened the door she was shocked to see him standing there. Opening his mouth slightly Freddie looked confused "I...I don't know what to say...I don't even know what I'm doing here...I just wanted to...say that I..." just as Freddie was about to finish his sentence room service appeared with Noel's request. The concierge laid out the strawberries and champagne on ice for her trying to make it less obvious that he was staring at Freddie. The hotel they were residing was used to seeing celebrities and even was almost like a second home to Queen, but there were always new employees who would be starstruck at the sight of them. "Take a picture dear it will last longer I assure you" said Freddie winking at the poor lad. Giggling Noel covered her mouth and looked up at Freddie, admiring his beauty even when he was being a smart guy. Leaving the room the man didn't say a word, which left Freddie and Noel back in their awkward conversation. "....so you were saying" said Noel hoping to get the words out of him. "Oh yes...um well I just wanted to say that regardless of what you might hear about me...most of it isn't true and some of it is...I don't want to start a business relationship on a bad foot so I hope what we did...well I hope it doesn't affect your work relationship with Queen we really could use a strong minded and willful person and that seems to be you darling" said Freddie. Disappointed Noel thought he would say what she only dreamed of hearing, something of the sorts like "Marry me" or "I love you" but no instead she had to accept the harsh reality that she was probably just a quick lay like anyone else was to Freddie. "Oh nonsense were adults don't worry about it Mr. Mercury I assure you I'll be very professional." With a smirk on his face and twinkle in his eye Freddie moved in closer to Noel so close she could feel that familiar warmth from his body. "Dear...I just had my cock in the back of your throat and in your tight pussy...call me Freddie" he said. With her mouth dropping Noel just nodded, moving a piece of hair from her face Freddie smiled and stared into her eyes "its cute that you say you'll be professional but I can't promise you I'll be the same...a gorgeous thing like you around me often could be dangerous especially because you have already given me a sample...I may just come back for more" Noel felt goosebumps take over her body, most women and or men would kill to be in her position. Realizing that Noel took a deep breath and smiled while nodding at Freddie she was so taken by him that she almost forgotten how to speak. "Ok....well glad we straightened that out get some rest darling we have another meeting in the morning." Leaving once again Noel shut the door and locked it, running into the bed and smuggling her face in a pillow she let out a loud scream into it. She was over the moon with ecstasy.

Over in Freddie's room awaited Miami, as Freddie entered with his room key he was startled by Jim. "Good God, are you trying to give me a heart attack?" asked Freddie dramatically waving his arms around. "Really Fred...you just had to do it..." Streaked with guilt Freddie began removing his clothing to change for bed. "Miami dear...I haven't got the slightest idea of what you are talking about." Jim stood up fixing his tie "You slept with her already didn't you..." scratching his head and giving in Freddie threw his hands in the air "okay fine you got me yes I shagged her are you happy?" Quickly snapping back Miami answered "Ha! I should be asking you that question are you happy you slept with another employee?" Fed up with Miami's tone Freddie turned around with fury in his eyes "I thought I told you not to worry about who I fuck Miami unless its yourself or your wife don't worry about who I shove my cock in!" Realizing once Freddie was in one of his tantrums Miami knew this was a fight he would not win with a new calm tone he simply said to Freddie "look...we can't just keep hiring and firing people its not a good look Fred especially when middle class people like Noel assume you want to pursue a relationship with them....we been through this before is all I'm saying!" Calming down himself Freddie knew Miami was just trying to do his job and manage him. "Well it just happens we talked it through afterwards and she understands that our business relationship comes first...she seems like a smart cookie, I'm actually interested in getting to know her more" with a shock look on his face Miami stood up gathering himself to head for the door. "Really? Wow first time hearing that...well good as long as we can all remain professional thats what helps  me sleep at night." Patting Miami on the back Freddie rushed him out "yes now go make passionate love to that gorgeous wife of yours...goodnight Miami!" Freddie closed the door and locked it. Rubbing the sides of his head he began to whisper to himself "Great...you like her you dreadful tart now what are you going to do?"

you like her you dreadful tart now what are you going to do?"

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