Chapter Five

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Steven fell asleep about 10 minutes ago, and his phone is blowing up. I smacked his shoulder. "Steven your phones going off, do you want me to answer it?"

He raised his head. "Yeah, yeah." Then he closed his eyes.

I snatched his phone from his jacket pocket and looked at who was calling at texting.

28 Messages from Pearl

2 Messages from Connie

11 Messages from Amethyst

5 Messages from Peri

8 Missed Calls from Pearl

Before I could do anything his phone started ringing again. I answered it hesitantly. "H-"

I couldn't even get a word out before the person on the other line started yelling. "STEVEN WE WERE SO WORRIED WHY WEREN'T YOU ANSWERING YOUR PHONE?" They yelled.

I could make a guess on who it was just by the voice. I sighed. "Are you Pearl?"


I snickered. "No, he's just asleep right now. I'm going to assume you're Pearl."

"Who are you?" She asked in a more composed tone.

"Oh, I'm Y/N. Anyways, you should call back later when he wakes up."

Pearl sighed. "Alright."

"Wait." I said loudly, Steven moved around in the seat but didn't wake up. "You guys should stop calling and texting him all the time. The whole point of his trip it so he has some time to discover who he is, and you guys are stressing him out and holding him back when you tell him to text you every 20 minutes. He will text you when he can, he's old enough to take care of himself, you know."

A long pause. Another sigh. "I-you're right. I'm just so worried, after the corruption... I don't want it to happen again."

"It won't, Pearl. You have to trust him." I turned back onto the highway. "Anyways, we are somewhere in Virginia. Call back in a few hours, he should be awake then."

"Okay, goodbye."

I smiled. "Bye Pearl." I hoped Pearl would tell the others what I told her, and I wouldn't have to repeat myself one hundred times. Before Steven woke up I added my phone number into his contacts list. Then I slipped his phone back into his pocket like nothing happened.

I was in the passengers seat now, and we just passed the state lines into Maryland.

"Yay!" We both cheered.

"It's weird, I have only gotten three texts today, all from different people." Steven checked his phone again.

"Maybe they finally realized that it's your trip, and knew that you would text them when you could." I shrugged.

Steven looked over at me. "Oh geez, what did you do?"

I scoffed. "Nothing! I just told Pearl what she needed to hear."

His eyes widened. "And what was that?"

"Enough to get her to stop calling you every five minutes." I gave him a smirk and he rolled his eyes.

"I don't know about you, but I'm thinking about staying in a hotel tonight. I'm getting pretty sick of sleeping in a sitting position." Steven groaned. I agreed eagerly, my neck was getting sore.

We were in the middle of some big city, looking for a hotel. "Right there!" I yelled and pointed at the tall building on our right. Steven turned into the opening quickly.

We hopped out of the car and straightened our hair and clothes. The expensive glass doors slid open as we walked inside, and the woman at the front desk looked like she came with the building, if you know what I mean. (she was super old)

"Hello." She smiled politely.

"Hi! Do you have any available rooms?" Steven asked. I looked around the tacky lobby while they conversed.

"Sure thing! Here's the card, if you move your car to the back of the building there's a metal door right in front of the elevators." She instructed.

"Okay, thank you." We walked back out of the building and did as the woman instructed, grabbing our things and stepping into the elevator.

"What floor are we on?" I asked.

"The third one." He showed me the key and the elevator doors open. We walked for a minute, then Steven pointed at the door on my left. "It's that one." We walked into the room, after I laughed at Steven for trying to fit two suitcases through the door at once.

Then we froze.

"Uhh." My eyes widened.

There was only one bed.

I guess the lady at the front desk thought we were a couple. How weird.

"Are you kidding me?" I groaned. "I'll sleep on the couch."

"No, no, no. I'll sleep on the couch. You take the bed." Steven sat down on the couch.

"No, you can take the bed." I sat down next to him, glaring.

"No, you can have the bed." He glared back at me, crossing his arms. I copied his movements.

We glared at each other in silence for what seemed like hours.

"Fine, guess we're both sleeping on the bed then." Steven was still glaring.



"I'm gonna take a shower first." Got up and went to the bathroom, humming a tune from my childhood as I did so.

(The song above)

When I exited the bathroom, the sheets were pulled back and Steven was laying on his stomach, messing with something on his phone. I sat down on the opposite end of the bed and picked at my nails.

"Um, Steven?" I asked hesitantly.

What is going on with me? Why is he making me so flustered and awkward.

"Yeah?" He turned to look at me, smiling softly, like usual.

"Uh, nevermind." Ugh, you chicken. "Are you ready for lights out? I'm really tired." I slipped under the covers and reached for my bedside lamp.

"Yeah, goodnight Y/N." There was a tap, and the room went dark.

"Goodnight Steven."

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