Chapter Four

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I don't know what I was thinking.

Accepting an invitation from a stranger?

A cute stranger, but a stranger none the less.

But, he's not a stranger. He's Steven. I know he has good intentions, and just wants to help me out.

Side note, how did he get this car? It's amazing! If I wasn't a good person I would kick him out while he was sleeping and drive off.

I was in the passenger seat now, I literally just woke up and Steven is singing to a song in his tape deck. It took me a of couple seconds to realize what song it was, but I couldn't help but sing along when I figured it out.

Steven: Bold You: Italic Both: Bold/Italic

What can I do for you?
What can I do that no one else can do?
What can I do for you?
What can I do for you?

Human man
You are so much fun
I hadn't planned
On finding you quite this entertaining
I like your band
And I like your song
I like the way
Human beings play
I like playin' along

Oh-oh-oh-oh whoa-oh

What can I do for you?
What can I do that no one else can do?
What can I do for you?
What can I do for you?

The song ended, and another one I didn't recognize started.

Steven turned the music down and turned to me with literal stars in his eyes. "I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU COULDN'T SING!!" He yelled.

I winced at the loud noise. "I can't." I laughed.

He wasn't saying words, just gibberish. He took a deep breath. "You have an amazing singing voice. Trust me, I know a lot of people who sing and you are, by far the best."

I scoffed and tried to push down the blush that was rising to my cheeks.

Keyword, tried.

"What's your family like?" I asked.

He glanced over at me with a confused face. "What?"

"What's your family like? You talk about them all the time. You love them a lot, and if I'm going to the city they live in I want to know who they are." I said with a smile.

"Okay! Well my dad is Greg Universe. Aka Mr. Universe."

I cut him off. "No wonder you're so good at singing, your dads a legend!"

He chuckled. "I guess. He used to have really long hair but he had to cut it off because a gem was trying to kill him. He's been through a lot because of me." His smile dropped a bit.

"It wasn't your fault. You just happened to be there when it happened." He opened his mouth to argue, but I wouldn't let him. "Next family member!"

"O-okay. Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst are the gems I grew up with, they helped me learn to control my powers and stuff."

It took him at least an hour to finish talking about all his family and friends. I think he named the whole town.

Greg, Pearl, Garnet, Amethyst, Connie, Peridot, Lapis Lazuli, Bismuth, Onion, Sour Cream and Buck and Jenny, Kiki, Jasper -although it's a one sided friendship-, the diamonds, Spinel... I cant even remember the rest.

He also explained the entire history of Pink Diamond, his mother. And tried to explain fusion to me, but most of it went over my head. I enjoyed listening to him talk, he was so passionate about everything and his eyes practically lit up every time he started a new sentence.

"-and that's basically what Little Homeworld is." He finished.

By now it was pitch black outside, and I was driving.

"Geez, everything is so complicated." I muttered. "Is that why you left?"

"No, I left to 'find myself'. But the gems are always texting me so I can't really have time to myself."

"And I'm here, taking away even more of your alone time." I felt bad, I wondered if he regretted inviting me along with him.

"No! No! I invited you, I want you here!" He insisted.

"Okay." I sighed. "Get some sleep Steven, you've been talking for five hours straight."

He yawned. "Good idea."

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