I check my phone for a text from lin. He is supposed to be picking me up from the airport but i've been stuck here for 30 minutes.
After a few more minutes of waiting i get a text from him saying he's here. I grab my stuff and start walking to the doors.

"Hey princess." lin says as i give him a huge hug. "Hey Linny. How's the show going?" i ask while walking to his car he helps me put my bags in the trunk. "oh ya know... amazing!" we both laugh. "Now i have something to ask... I know you just moved back and everything but i was hoping you would join the cast and be my peggy and maria reynolds..." he rushes out while glancing at me. "Uhm I don't know... what happened to the other girl?" i ask "She just got offered a better role in a different musical and she took it." he says "Ok are you sure you want me to do it?" I ask. "Yes of course." "Then i guess i'll do it. But you owe me big time." I say pointing a finger at him.

After i get my stuff mostly unpacked I walk downstairs and find a bunch of people sitting on the couch or standing around. "Oh here she is the woman of the hour. Come meet everyone." lin beckons me and all eyes turn to look at me. I walk over to him. He leads me to the girls first. "This is Pipa she plays eliza and Renee she plays Angelica they are your sisters." He says We exchange hi's before lin ushers me to keep moving around the room. "I'm sure you remember me." A voice says from behind me. I spin around. "Of course i do." I say with a laugh giving him a hug. "How do you two know each other?" Pipa asks "We were in 21 chump street together thats how i met lin too." I say still smiling

"This is christopher and jonathan they play george washington and king george." I smile at them "I don't think i'm gonna be able to remember everyones names and their parts lin." I say with a laugh. "It's fine." he says already walking away. "This is leslie who is burr, oak who plays mulligan and madison, and daveed who plays lafeyette and jefferson." He says so fast i almost miss it. I smile at each of them. "So this is the famous aurora." Leslie says getting up and giving me a hug. "awe linny you told your friends about me?" I gush squishing his cheeks. Everyone laughs then goes back to what they were doing.

"So what do we have planned for tonight?" I ask sitting on the couch between anthony and renee. "Uh we were going to go out for drinks but decided that you should be sober for your first night here." Lin says while laying on the floor. "How about a sleepover? we can all go get a bunch of snacks and drinks and watch movies." Renee suggests. "OOO thats such a good idea. we should watch twilight!" I say excitedly the girls and anthony agree. "Yeah i don't know about that." Chris says shaking his head. "We can discuss the movies later lets get into groups and choose different stores to get snacks and stuff." Lin says sitting up.

I got stuck with Anthony, Renee and Daveed and our task was to get pizza and chips. We decided to go to Walmart. Anthony and Renee were in the front fighting over who should get the aux. Daveed and I stayed out of it and just laughed and mimicked them. Once we got to the store we decided to split up. Daveed and I have the task to get pizza. I sit in the cart while he takes us to the frozen food isle. "So where were you before you came back?" Daveed asks "A bunch of places mostly france and greece. I worked on boats and traveled around." I say "That's really cool." He says turning the corner. "Thanks it was really fun and i hope to do it again but i was really missing broadway." I say longingly "What have you been in?" He asks "Not much, 21 chump street i was naomi and les mis but i was just ensemble in that." I say grabbing the pizzas he hands me and set them down. "What about you?" I ask "Oh This is my first role i have this band but thats it." He says I turn around to face him "You have a band? Thats so cool." I say he laughs a little "Yeah i guess." he says as a light blush covers his cheek.

After we pay for the pizzas we meet up with renee and anthony and head back to lins place. "Ok so we are watching twilight. right?" I say sitting on the couch. Daveed and Pipa sit down next to me. The boys groan "Can't we watch literally anything else." Jonathan whines. "Hey this is my first night here so it's my choice." I say Lin sighs and puts on the first twilight movie. Everyone gets comfortable. After awhile the pizza is done and we eat that and our snacks. We get to about the third or fourth movie and everyone is dead asleep, myself included.

I wake up cuddled into Pippa and Daveed cuddled into me. "finally you're awake I've been stuck under you two for almost an hour." Pippa sighs as i try to sit up without waking Daveed. His head is in my lap and his arms wrapped tightly around my waist. "You could've just woken me up." i say with a laugh "It's a lot harder than it looks." She says with a quite laugh "What time is it anyways?" I ask looking around almost everyone is awake doing their own thing. "almost 11." She says i throw my head back "i'm so tired." I say with a groan. Daveed slowly wakes up and sits up. "Great timing my legs were starting to fall asleep." I tease "Sorry bout that." He says with a yawn.

"Hey do you guys wanna watch this movie?" Lin says holding up a movie. "What is it?" Pipa asks. Lin looks at me and smirks my eyes widen. "No lin they dont." I say as i lung at him trying to take the movie from him. "The game plan." He says as we wrestle. "OOO yessss lets watch it." Anthony says "Why's it such a big deal?" Daveed asks confused "Aurora was the main girl in it when she was little." Anthony says laughing. "We have to watch it now." Jonathan says laughing I sit on the couch pouting as lin puts the movie in. Daveed puts his arm around the back of the couch and leans down to me "I'm sure you weren't terrible. Lin has made us all listen or watch something embarrising for all of us." He whispers then focuses back on the movie.

After we watch the movie everyone starts to get ready for rehearsal. "So do i have to audition or what?" I ask lin He scoffs "I wrote the play princess i do what i want." He says cockily. we all laugh at him. We get there and I won't be actually performing yet for a week or two because i don't know anything but the words to my songs. They start to fit me for the dresses. Which are stunning may i add. I'm standing backstage joking around with anthony. We start mocking Daveed as he sings guns and ships. After he finishs anthony and I are still laughing at him. "What's so funny?" Daveed asks "Oh Nothing." Anthony says trying to recompose himself. "yeah ok." Daveed says looking at us like we grew a second head.

After practice Renee, Pippa and I are taking our makeup off and getting ready to leave. "So whats up with you and anthony?" Pippa asks "Oh uh nothing. Doesn't he have a girlfriend the girl that left?" I ask "Nope they almost did but i'm just being nosey." Pippa laughs "Yeah no hes like my best friend we would never happen." I say not telling them that i've always had a slight crush on him "Who wouldn't happen?" someone asks at the door i turn and see daveed. "Her and anthony." Renee says gathering her stuff to leave. "Good to know." Daveed says with a wink. I blush deeply and the girls ooo. "You ready renee?" He then asks "Yeah. Do you need a ride rory?" she asks me "No thanks I'm staying with lin for awhile so i'm riding with him." I say with a smile and give her a hug.

As soon as lin and i get home i take a quick shower then crash on my bed and fall deep asleep almost instantly.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2020 ⏰

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