
10 0 5

Jason's POV

I came home from my football practice and I dropped the duffel back on the floor. I ran to the kitchen a filled a cup with ice water. I then needed to piss after that. I went to the bathroom (the downstairs one) and I tried to open it but it was locked. Mom's room was locked, she said she was just not feeling well. Ellie was probably using the downstairs one and there isn't a third floor one so I didn't have a choice. The second floor bathroom had a broken toilet. 

  I knocked on the door rapidly and there was no response. I walked to mom's door. "Mom? Is Ellie in there?" I asked. "No, I think she's in her room." She said. I ran to her room. She wasn't there. I checked everywhere, there was no sign of her. I knocked on the bathroom door, still without a response. "Ellie. C'mon open up, this isn't funny. You can mess with me all you want later, but just please, I really need to go." I said finding myself starting to do the potty dance.

I knock on the door again. All I get is silence. Are you serious right now?! "Ellie! I'm not kidding, open the damn door!" I then step to the side when I hear a sponge like noise. The noise of something wet. I look down. The rug around the door is red and there's drops of blood coming from the crack under the door. My face goes pale. I start pushing on the door until I break it down. I throw it to the side and my body numbs. 

Ellie lays in the middle of the floor. A steroid bottle in one hand. Blood flows from her mouth and then I see a splotch of blood on the corner of the counter. She must of hit it real hard. The bottle was empty. Before I broke down the door, Mom left for errands. I drop to my knees. I shake her but she lays passed out. "Ellie! Wake up!" her neck looked sliced from the counter after I turned her over.

"Ellie!" I scream. Blood spilld from her shirt. I pull it up and see a line of stiches and see that half the stiches are pulled off. I shake her head. I pur water over her head. I shake her one more time. Right when i'm about to give up, she opens her eyes and she catches her breath. She looks at me scared. I start crying in joy, but i'm still terrified of what might happen. I see her cough some blood. 

I cry and I try to calm her so I can reach the police. I hold her head. She chokes on her blood and gasps for air. "You're going to be alright, okay? Don't worry baby, okay. Just breath. Just focus on that. You're okay. You're okay." Luckily, that calmed her down. I grabbed my I phone outta my pocket and I call 911.

I stammer to tell them what happened, but I manage to tell them my address. When I come back, the floor is flooded with blood and she fainted from blood loss. I know that if she doesn't get help soon, she'll die. I cry and I hug her and I wipe the blood from her mouth. Soon I hear the wailing sirens and I open the door. The paramedics recongnize this house (i'm not surprised). They lift her up and roll her into the ambulance. They let me ride in the ambulance with her.

I pray as much as I can and I say words of encouragement and I try to calm down, but if on a scale of 1 to 10, 5 as the normal heartbeat, the least I can keep it at is a 7. We arrive at the hospital after a wobbly and bumpy ride. I run along with the guys as they rush her into a room. "Hey, you can't come in here man." Says a young looking doctor. "You don't understand-" He interuppts me. "Look. You can't be in here. Because we don't know if she's going to survive."

Forever Young (sequel to Safe and Sound)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz