That's A First

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After Kayci came back to life. We freaked we cried and celebrated and it was so awesome. At school the next day, I was at my locker when a cute guy stopped me at my locker and put his arm on the locker next to mine. "Hey?" I asked closing my locker. He wasn't a jock. Good. "I've been admiring you at school lately. You seem nice. I would also get to know pretty little you." I then recongnized that it was Felix Van Jost. He was the richest kid in the school. His parents won two huge lotterys last year and one works as a nurse while the other works as a famous chef.

'Uh..okay? So whatcha wanna do?" I asked rocking on my feet kind of excited. He's like, the cutest boy in school. I was so nervous I might do or say something stupid. I was blushing. "I don't know..wanna come to my house for dinner? My Mom's a 5 star chef so our place is pretty nice, and we have really good food. So, wanna come over for a couple of hours?" I looked him in the eye. "Yeah! I mean, sure, that'll be cool." Dammit. I'm so dumb. "Ok, bye." He walked away and I waved but I was barely able to move. I can't let anybody, not my family, not my friends, especially not the jocks. I can't let ANYTHING happen to Felix.

I was picked up at 4:30, he eats at 6. For about an hour we were playing games on his PS4. Then, he brought me to his private park. We swung togther and we were playing all sorts of crazy games. When it was 5:50, we head back to his house and got ready for dinner. "That was so fun!" I said as we walked in and plopped down on the couch. "Yeah," Says Felix grabbing the remote and putting on South Park. We were laughing so hard.

We went to the table and ate dinner. It was so good. It tasted better than 39 Olive Gardens and McDonalds combined. "This is amazing!" I said while spooning seasoned mashed potatoes with smooth gravy. After that, he showed me his room. "This is where half of life happens." He showed me his X-Box 1 and his kinect and his PS5, the playstation the didn't even come out yet. His room was so cool. It was painted black with cool spectrums of neon green slicing through the black. The ceiling of his room was a thick sheet of glass, then a tank full of water, then another sheet of glass. There was a bunch of sealife roaming in the over head tank. His floor was a dance floor and it had colors flashing evey few seconds. He had a colored disco ball too.

"Woah!" I said as I touched a huge lava lamp next to his bed stand. He had an iphone 7 and three jumbo 15 inch tablets. He also had two next generation laptops. He was RICH. We sat on his bed and played Minecraft together. Then we lay down in bed and watched the sea life swim in harmony. Then we looked at eachother. "You are ultimatley, the prettiest girl in the whole school." I smiled. He reached over and grabbed me closer to him. Then he kissed me on the lips for a long time. We looked at eachother. Then we started making out. He grabbed my booty and I grabbed the back of his head. We were holding eachother close. Then he reached over and grabbed a condom.

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