Kill Me Now

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I fell asleep. I wanted to die. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't in this sleeping trance. Maddie. She's my life. I should've died. She started s successful life already. She could be a great person. I'll probably end up living in a box. She has more. She's needed ten times more than i'm needed. She needs to be a wife. She needs to be a mother. She needs to be my sister. I love you Maddie Flaire. Goodbye for now. I'll see you soon.

2 hours later

I opened my eyes. My eyes were still teary. Maddie is all that I could think of. I looked around the room. SpongBob was playing and one of my doctors was on the computer. I looked at my leg. It had a gigantic cast on it. I saw a wheelchair folded uo and leaning against the wall. Now how am I supposed to tryout for gymnastics this year?!

The man turned around. He had messy brown hair, stubble on his chin and lower face area, and he was obviously with a clipboard. To be honest, a clipboard to a doctor, is like air to a human. He looked like he was in his late 30s. "Oh! I see you're awake. I, uh, am sorry about. Your loss." I nodded and looked down. "When can guests visit?"

"Oh yeah, tommorow."

"Okay. How long do I have to use the wheelchair?"

"Um, let me check." He opened a different window on the computer. "For about a month and a half, it was a pretty bad break."

"Oh. What time is it? And, what day of the month is it?" I asked looking confused. With all that's going on, I can't keep track of anything.

"It's September 7, Saturday, 10:13 am." I forgot that my surgery was at night, maybe they wanted me to get rest.

"Wait, did you say September 7, Saturday?" He nodded 'yes'. "Oh crapples, school starts in two days! I can't be in a wheelchair for the first day of eighth grade!"

He looked at me symphatheticly. "I'm sorry Ellie, but unless you want to use crutches-"

I interuppted him."Yes! Crutches are cooler and not embarresing."

He gave me a look then smiled. "I'll get the crutches."

Later that day, I read a book in the hospital. It was a really good book and I read it until dinner. I'm almost done with it. I was able to leave the room so my doctor came in about thirty minutes before dinner to help me learn how to use crutches. It was so hard. Everytime I slipped he had to catch me.

First, I didn't know how to walk in them. He had to teach me. Keep the broken leg in air, put both crutches infront, then with your strength, push yourself foward landing on your good foot. Second, I might not be the strongest person ever. Third, they were so slippery! But, eventually, I got the hand of it.

I crutched to the elevator and it took me to the first floor where the cafeteria was. I brought myself to the line, it was very long. I saw all sorts of people. I saw people with casts like me, I saw old women, I saw visitors, I saw cute little bald kids with cancer. It was sad.

When I FINALLY got all my food, I decided to sit at a table with girls that looked my age. It was a mix of girls with cancer and girls with an injury. I told them my story. Thier stories were sad, but not as bad as mine. I mean it sucks that cancer will probably kill you, but it's worse being able to live when other people you loved died.

We actually had a great time together. We all had our food and talked for about an hour. Eventually, my doctor, Doctor Stace, came to pick me up. I said bye and headed towards the elevator. I got all thier room numbers and we got the time we all eat so we can eat together again. When I got to my floor, the 7th, I realized it was already 8:30.

I changed into my night clothes. It was difficult though, having to sit in a chair and a leg that feels like poop. I watched some drama shows for about thirty minutes and I turned out the lights. I read myself almost to sleep but before falling asleep, I prayed for the baby and Adam and. Maddie.

The baby lived through the night and all i've heard is that she's doing okay, but they think there is something wrong with her. "Dear God, I hope you bless and take care of Maddie and Adam as I, tried for the time I had for them. Don't let them spend time thinking about us, let them spend time doing other in that world up there."

Now for my baby neise. "Also, about my neise. I don't know her name yet and I don't know what they were going to name her. I've heard she's not doing well, I mean she's okay, but she's okay for her condition. They think there is something wrong with her and just make her okay. Amen"

I undid my hands, tucked myself in and fell fast asleep, tommorow I can finally see everybody.

Forever Young (sequel to Safe and Sound)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें