
14 0 3

Aiden screamed with happiness and she pet the puppy on it's back. It was fluffy golden, it had glimmering brown eyes, and it had patch of white on its right ear. "Lets name him Patch! Because he has a white patch on his ear!" Says Jason. I nod in agreement and watch Aiden chase him. He jumps on my lap and lies down and curls up in a little ball. Aiden points in confusion at Patch. "Pa?" I smile and pet the dog. It's super soft and comfy. "He might be a little tired, Aiden." I remember, we need things like food and a bed and a bowl and treats and toys for Patch! "Mom? Can I take Aiden to go get stuff for patch?" Mom nods. "Sure just get a taxi. You have cash and you can use my credit card for buying the stuff." I smile. "Yay! Thanks Mom!"

I sit Aiden down and strap on her shoes. I pick her up and we grab a taxi. It drives us to Petco and I give the man cash. We walk in and grab a cart. I put Aiden in the cart seat thing and we walk around. I walk to the food area first. There's a bunch of different food brands for a bunch of different animals. I buy the IAMS dog food and we stroll onto the next aisles. We search around for a dog bed. We're walking in an area when Aiden suddenly starts pointing at this cool blue dog bed. It's like a blue ottoman in a chair form. It had a white outline to it too. It's pretty expensive, but at least it's Mom's credit card. 

Next, we go look at leashes. We get a neon green one that will fit Patch perfectly. On the next aisle over, we look at dog bowls. We find a orange plastic one that says Patch so we throw that in the cart. Then, we go look at bones. We pick up a six pack of bones that aren't to big, and aren't to small for Patch to bite on. Then we go to the toy section. We get things like squeaky toys and frisbees and tennis balls and ropes and toy meats. Patch is going to love these things!

We wait at the counter and then when it's out turn, we start unloading our stuff. "Did you just get a dog?" Asked the young woman, maybe a couple of years older than me. "Yeah, it's a golden retriever." I said smiling. She starts scanning the items. "That's nice. What a cute sister you have!" Says the lady making silly faces to Aiden. Aiden starts laughing. "Thanks." The price pops up. $54. I thought it would be more expensive. I hand her Mom's credit card and I load the stuff into the cart. I drive the cart out the doors. "Bye!" I say to the woman. "Buh bye dearies!" She says to me. Aiden waves to the lady. "Bye!" She says.

(Ps, the picture of the chair is the dog bed) hope u peeps enjoyed this chap. tell me in the comment section which chapter i should put aiden in preschool! first person to comment gets a dedication in next chap.! BAIII! BTW i'm a little sich with a fever.

MagCon_Boyz_Lover, the thing on friday is still on i just have a mild fever, no worries!

Forever Young (sequel to Safe and Sound)Where stories live. Discover now