She's Mine! (Yuri Ending)

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"Yuri." Y/n called gently. "I choose Yuri."

Claude stepped back, patting Yuri on the back as he walked off. "Take care of her. Or else." He threatened quietly.

"I don't think I can find it in my heart to hurt her." Yuri admitted softly, smiling at Claude.

Claude smiled sadly and continued to walk off. "Yeah, I don't think you could."

"... Me?" Yuri asked after Claude turned the corner, taking a few steps forward and cupping Y/n's face in his hand and placing his free hand on her hip.

"Yes, you." She giggled, putting her hand on top of his. "Are you surprised that I picked you or something?"

"A little." He admitted, pushing hair out of Y/n's eyes. "Goddess, you're beautiful." He muttered, leaning in closer and pressing a kiss to her lips.

Y/n melted into it, smiling softly. "I've liked you for a while, Yuri." She whispered after the two pulled away.

"I've liked you from the moment our eyes crossed." Yuri said gently. "You're absolutely perfect in every way..."

"You're making me blush." Y/n protested, looking away.

"You're adorable." Yuri continued, pressing a kiss to her now-exposed neck. Y/n yelped and turned her head back to him.

"You just never stop flirting, do you?"

"I like teasing you far to much to stop now." He laughed, smiling.

Y/n's heart skipped a beat. "Now you're doing it on purpose." She pouted.

"Mmm. Maybe." Yuri hummed, kissing her forehead. "Want to go get tea?"

"Sounds lovely."

FE3H xReader Oneshots (Discontinued)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon