Part - 5

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Bela's POV:

Today is my daughter's 5th years birthday. But I can't stay with her because of my fucking work. Last year I also couldn't spend time with her because of the same reason. I still remember how angry she was with me but somehow Sid managed the situation.....

"You always do this to me, mamma. (crying loudly) You promised me that you would come at a time and celebrate my birthday with me. But you didn't. You can't understand my feelings that I need, I don't need all these kinds of stuff like all parties, dolls and new dresses in every week. I don't need these. I want you, mamma, I want my parents which you can never give me. How bad do I feel when my friend's parents come at school for any occasion, you're not there for me at that time. You always give more priority to your work. ( screaming) and even you don't tell me where is my dad? who is my father? always you shut me up whenever I want to know about my father. Even you don't give me Sid as a father. I want him as my father. You don't love me. I hate you, No one is here for me. why mamma, why you don't give me Sid as a father or else please tell me who is my father?(yelling)"

I was listened to all these things silently and started crying.I wasn't that situation to speak anything to her statement and that time Sid came and consoling Mahira. He was also consoling me and then he took Mahira with him to her room. I wiped my tears and silently went to Mahira's room and lestined their conversation.......

"After that accident your mamma lost her memory and doctor forbade her to take any kind of pressure because it's harmful to her and for her baby."

I listened that Mahira wants to know who saved me for that accident.

"Me, I took your mamma at the hospital where her situation was not good. she fainted for 48 hours. After that, she couldn't recognise herself and everything about her past. But luckily her purse was with her from which I found her debit card where her name was present there."

Again I listened that Mahira asked Sid that where was she at that time? why she was not with her Mamma? her this childish and adorable question made me laugh. Sid answered her question very cutely

"That time you were not coming in this world. You were in fairyland."

I was smiling at his answer but the next question of Mahira Stopped my smiling...

" So where was my dad, why didn't he find us ?"

To be continued.....

So we can see in this conversation that Bela was pregnant at that time means Mahira is Behir's daughter. As we know that they both came Australia for honeymoon. But What was the accident and that time where was Mahir?
Why is Bela treating Mahira like this?

Stay tuned
Thanks for reading ❤

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