Arms (angst)

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Travis PoV

I just woke up from a nice quick nap so I go check up on Zane and KC is there. I dont say anything and just knock on the door.

Travis: Zane ya there?

Zane: U-Uhm j-just a second Travis..

Silence blew around the hall until,

KC: Zane sounds worried, you know what happened to him?

Travis: Wait what?

KC: Oh thats right, youre used to me talking weird.

Travis: No it's fine, and uh no. I dont know why hes so jumpy.

Zane walks out the room.

Zane: Hey Travis, and Kawwaii~Chan.

KC and Travis: Hey.

Zane: Woah there KC sounds a bit off.

KC: -scoff- Am not! It is really nice to see you again Zane.

Zane: Wait so you talk in first person now?

KC: Yeah I do.

Zane: You can definetely still speak in third person riiight?

KC: Kawwaii~Chan can also do that do.

Zane: -laugh- anyway, uhm, im so sorry to leave you out be me and travis have to go somewhere.

KC: Kawwaii~Chan understands. Zane and Travis~Kun need thier privacy, much like everyone else.

Zane: We'll be heading out, bye Kawwaii~Chan. Also you can ask Garroth for his room. Mine and Vylads are kinda messy.

KC: -giggle- Okay bye Zane~Kun!

Zane PoV

Me and Travis enter the ice skating rink. ( much like kai and aphmaus date )

Zane: Do you have the tickets?

Travis: Yeppers.

Zane: I've gotta go to the bathroom but you can check us out.

Travist: Alrighty!

He walks off looking like a king of some sort.

I walk upstairs and was rudely greeting to someone.

???: Hey, emo freak.

Zane: Huh?

???: Yeah you, the one with santa head over there. C'mere.

Zane: Uhm.. okay..?

Someone zipped past me and shut the door locked.

???: We're gonna have some fun freak.

Zane: U-Uhm I'd prefer n-


Zane: Wait.. Z-Zenix?

Zenix: Oh so know you remember me?

Zane: The person behind me must be Gene.

Zenix: Look for yourself freak.

Gene: Hey~

Zane: Ew.. stop with whatever you guys are about to do.

Zenix: Ha, you think I'd go throught with that?

Zane: Yea-

He hugs me and holds me against the wall

Zenix: Gene, you next.

Gene walks up to me holding a smirk face. He rubs against my body mjch like Zenix did and heated me up.

Zane: Ew! Guys what the hell are you doing!?

Gene: We are trying to give you a good time.

Zane: You mean..?

Gene: Yes, Zane. THAT good time.


Zenix: Shut up!

Zenix kisses me on the lips to make me stop talking.

I didnt even care cause I just wanted to get out of here.

They started tearing me down piece by piece, each time I got more loopy. I was at the point where I couldnt walk.

Zane: P-Please.. let me go..

Gene: Not as long as were happy, and were not.

Travis PoV

I could feel there was something wrong. Zanes scent felt odd. I went up to see what was going on. I knock on the door.

Zenix: O-Ocuppied!

Travis: Lies, a bathroom can occupy unless the stalls are full which I doubt.

Zenix: So what are you just gonna walk right in here a-


Gene: Us, what are you gonna do about it?

Travis: This.

I splash a potion at Gene and Zenix for a temporary death.

Travis: Zane are you okay!?

Zane: T-Travis they.. did.. me..

Travis: They. Did. WHAT!?

Zane: Travis dont hurt them please! They're people too. 

Travis: They deserve to be hurt.

Zane: Travis please! They have so much to live for!

Travis: Those kids dont need to live for anything now.

Zane: I cant believe you killed them! I'm going home.. I'm dissapointed in you travis.

Zane walks out of the bathroom. Does Zane.. Like me still? I'm such a horrible person. No I'm not! YES YOU ARE. NO. IM. NO-

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2020 ⏰

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