Competitors Pt.3 (Also very short)

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Laurance PoV

Aaron: I brought Zanes friend over.

Kawwaii~Chan leans to her left to reveal her face and what seems to be a new outfit.

Laurance: Hello, Kawwaii~Chan

Kawwaii~Chan: Hi Laurance~Kun! Kawwaii~Chan brought cupcakes, as usual! -giggle- Anyway, does Laurance~Kun know if Zane~Senpai is here?

Laurance: Zane is in his room with Travis I think. 

Garroth: Travis is behind you.

Laurance: Nevermind, Zanes in his room.

Kawwaii~Chan PoV

Why is Zane is his room? He should be hanging out with me.

I go up to his room and I can hear something.

Zane (muffled): This is for my awkwardness, this is for my pain.

He continued on until he finally ended on, This is for Travis.

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