“I was at the village getting you this.” Kristoff says, holding up a necklace with a sun charm at the end.

“Oh, Kristoff!” She exclaims. “It’s beautiful!” She says, wrapping her free arm around his waist.

“Queen Elsa!” I hear someone call for me.

I turn my head towards the door were Helga stands.

“Your highness, you are due for a fitting.” She smiles.

I look at Kristoff and he nods, taking Kristin from my arms. I smile at her before going with Helga. We go into a room and I begin my fitting.

When I finish putting the dress on, it is a little bit tight. The servants loosen it a little before I finish. I look in the mirror and spin.

It’s a most beautiful dress, it was my mother’s wedding dress. I made a few of my own tweaks, including a hint of blue. The tiara I’ll be wearing is decorated with blue gems and will hold down a very long veil. I smile. This will be a most wonderful wedding.

I walk down the aisle. The whole kingdom has gathered for the wedding. I find myself standing in front of Hans, a nervous smile on my face. I wait to hear the words, please say your vows, but I don’t hear them. I feel heat around me, I look around. A fire encircles Hans and me. I look over to where Anna was standing… she has her hands raised.

“Anna stop!” I cry desperately.

She stops maneuvering her hand, looking at me sadly. I return the look with a pleading expression. She goes back to doing as she had been.

“Anna, please!” I plead once more.

She doesn’t. I watch the fire separate Hans and me. I feel myself bring my hands up and watch the ice leave me in a circular form. It strikes Anna, causing her to kneel. Something flashes before me and we are back in the ice castle… when I struck her heart. It flashes back to the wedding.

A tear rolls down my cheek.

“Elsa! Elsa!” I hear Hans shouting at me. “Elsa!”

I jerk up, gripping the sheet. I look around, taking in my surroundings. I look at Hans. He is sitting next to me on the side of the bed.

“Are you alright?” He whispers.

I nod.

“Just had a bad dream.” I explain.

“Would you like to talk about it?” He asks sincerely.

“It was nothing… just a flashback to when I, uh, when I froze Anna’s heart.” I tell him.

“She’s alright, and so are you. No one’s hurt.” He comforts.

I stand up and go look in the mirror on my vanity. I don’t look nearly as bad as I had anticipated. Hans walks behind me and plants a gentle kill on my cheek.

“I’ll see you at the altar.” He whispers in my ears, making me smile.

He walks out of the room, and not a minutes later, Helga comes in.

“Are you ready, your majesty?” She asks me with a wide smile.

I nod, smiling widely as well, despite that fact that I’m biting down on my bottom lip. We walk into the room where I tried on the wedding dress a few days ago. Once I have the wedding dress on, and it’s given some final adjustments, I go and sit in front of the mirror.

I hear the door open, and Anna walks into the room. I smile to her and she returns the smile. I take in the gorgeous dress she’s wearing. It suits her wonderfully.

Beware the Frozen HeartWhere stories live. Discover now