18. The Queen

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"Well, fuck." 

Pedro choked out a laugh, "yeah, that's right." 

Casey's face was tense, her eye twitched when things got too serious, it was happening now. 

"Why haven't you confronted him yet?" She exclaimed. He shrugged. "I am nervous, I guess." 

"Shut up. Just. Go. Talk." Casey fumed. 

"Okay, maybe later." 


He sighed resignedly. A sharp tone filled the air, Casey's phone. "Hello." She paused. "Oh, hi Tay-tay. 

Yeah? Oh, alright." 

Pedro raised an eyebrow, she shushed him. "Why can't I come?" She whined. Pedro smirked. He was now being annoying. 

"Hmph, okay Taya. I am agreeing only because I love you." She cooed. "Yeah, bye." Casey hung up and glanced at Pedro who was looking at her curiously. 

"That was Taya. She said something about meeting a Queen and I can't go with her."
Pedro snapped his fingers. "That's it. Today is the dance. Maybe I'll go talk to Theo then."
Casey's ears perked up. "Dance?" 

He gave her a lopsided grin. "Yeah, I heard one of the Amazons say that there was a dance to be held today evening. We should go." Casey blushed. He said we. "I don't think I should. It's not like I am invited." 

"Invited? What is this, some official wedding? Nah, we can go anytime. The ladies throw wild parties." 

Her eyes widened. "How do you know so much about them?" 

It was Pedro's turn to blush. "I-uh. My ex-girlfriend is an Amazon." 

Casey snorted. "These people date?" 

He laughed. "Not really. She had come for a mission where I live and I helped her out once and she said she owed me a debt and started pestering me to ask for a favor. Then one day- ugh let it be. There is no need to talk about this." He added awkwardly. 

Pedro cursed himself inwardly. Why was he such a blabber mouth? Now, Casey would think of him as a loser

She wrinkled her nose adorably, her blue eyes shining. "I'll see you tonight then. I'll go get dressed." 

She gave him a hug and went back to the room, leaving him with his mouth open. 

Stella tied her hair in a top knot. Theo was beside her, looking slightly pale.
Matt leaned against a pillar, his posture screaming boredom, but it was only like that on the outside. Taya tugged nervously on her shirt. Matt's shirt, Stella was amused to notice. 

They all were standing in front of two huge double doors. They were dark red and covered in semi precious stones- onyx and jade. Two women flanked the doors, each holding a staff and wearing bronze armor. It was as if they were addicted to bronze. 

The four were waiting to be given the permission to meet the Queen and, they were not exactly excited. 

Stella did not show any outward signs of restlessness. She was deep in thought. She liked to think about happy memories when she felt nervous. 

When she had gotten to know that Matt was here, she had scrambled out of bed and had run out to meet him. He was exhausted and his face was pinched with worry but every expression evaporated into joy upon seeing her.
Matt had grabbed her and hugged her fiercely, kissing both her cheeks lightly. "I thought I wouldn't see you again." He had muttered, stroking her hair. "I love you, Mattie." She had whispered.
"I love you too, mei mei."
She had smiled at the endearment. Mei mei in mandarin meant little sister. The day Matt had learnt that word, he had started calling her that. That had become her nickname.

"Stella, dear. You okay?" Theo waved a hand in front of her face. 

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