II When preparations begin

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The next day

Morning ! Where the world was rejoicing a new start of a dawn , a pure soul had its own plan.

"Ma! Where are you? Where has she disappeared suddenly?
Uff!  She never stays at a place , God knows what work she might have gotten to do."

Pragya :  Yes dear ( echoing voice) , What happened now Prachi? ( in a rush she speaks)

Prachi: Ohh! I have booked our tickets to Delhi, we will reach Delhi two days before my DOJ.

Pragya: (tensed) So early, I haven't even started packing. I have decided not to send you to a hostel. So now , I have to fasten up.

Prachi: Calm down , but ma you told you packed the bags , now!

Pragya: Prachi , they were only clothes , if you only went alone. But now I am also coming , we will have to take utensils, cosmetics , pickles , and many things. ( speaks in a single breathe)

Prachi: Ma.. ma,( shoves her hand to calm her mom)
Why don't we live as paying guest , it's just a matter of two years , we will think later whether to continue in Delhi or not?

Pragya(affirms) :Hmm, right , even I was thinking about it .
( She takes her phone.)

Prachi : Now, what ma?

Pragya: Oh !  (sulking)
I'm calling the no. which Beeji gave us , for that house , remember?

Prachi: Okay!
Pragya:  What's his name anyway , any idea?

Prachi:It's Maa..nish. Manish uncle, Yes.

Pragya: Okay okay ( gets a conversation)

Later.. she  updates ,

"Prachi , he told that he knows a old woman , she owns a 3bhk house . He says that she would be ready to accept  paying guests ,actually she is facing a cash crunch so... "(Sighs)
And also she doesn't want to sell her house."

Prachi: So means we got a house , Happies..  ma!

Pragya: Not so early dear, she would first examine us and then, We'll get an entry to her palace . He says that she is very strict and adamant .

Prachi: Then did you take that lady's no.? To talk to her , did you?

Pragya: Actually Manish told that the lady would love to talk vis-a - vis rather than on call , you know old mentality. And it's really good that we will talk face to face ,and if by any chance we don't get a house , we will search for one . No worries. Manish would be there to help us.

Prachi: Ok then in that sense , no hectic on calls . Direct entry to house. I am excited .

Pragya: By the way , if we live as paying guest , I would get a company , while you are out for your college.

Prachi(smiles at the thought)

The mother , thinks in her mind that her daughter is getting responsible, and fascinates at her development. She can't stop herself from flushing her pride of being a mother to such a fairy!

Prachi (in mind): This is so sweet , I and mom are so similar in thinking. I won't leave her . I want to become like her - smart and optimistic.

She sighs.

Her mother notices her hidden emotions and would say, " Hey , what happened, lost in your world?"

Prachi: Nothing ! (smiles kiddish)

Pragya: Then go , run away , tell your friends ,enjoy your days . I'll take care of packing.

Prachi: Oh ma , ok , do tell me if you need a help.

Now let's see what Ranbir's doing.

New Delhi

He just got freshened up and was moving towards dining room for breakfast.

Ranbir: Mom, I am very hungry , please feed me! I'm really hungry.

( Ranbir is an over pampered boy , as I told you he is the loveliest member of his family)

Pallavi Kohli , is Ranbir's mother , a high class lady , but actually a tender and gentle soul.
She is accompanied by Dida.
Ranbir is Dida's apple of her eye.

Mrs. Kohli: Aye! Why are you howling in the house , the breakfast is ready , come sit fast , we three will eat together.

Ranbir sits

So , both the ladies are upto their role of pampering their young boy.

Mrs. Kohli: Take some more , why aren't you eating the parathas, you told you were hungry. What's this dear!

( She doesn't let Ranbir speak)

Ranbir: Mom, how much will I eat , it's my stomach not a tank. If I would get chubby , how would girls fall for me.( sulks in a girlish way)

Dida: Oye! If you won't eat well, how will you be fit , in that case even I wouldn't fall head over heels for you. (Demanding tone) NOW EAT.!!!

Ranbir: (please someone save me)
Ok Dida , but only one.

Aryan enters wildly,

Aryan: Ranbir , come on, when are you going to start the classes.

Ranbir: (confusedly) Classes!?

Aryan: Haa , ofcourse! Yes "classes" , you told me yesterday.

Ranbir : Yes! ( Recapturing)

Dida : See Ranbir this is the magic of your mother's parathas , you got so intelligent, so smart that you are taking Aryan's classes. Proud of you .

Dida can't stop herself from swallowing pride.

Mrs Kohli, speaks with a twinkle in her eyes, proud of you dear.

Ranbir and Aryan laugh inside , and were about to blast , but Aryan took an excuse and they rushed towards their car.

Ranbir: Let's move ,  let's go to the mall

Aryan : Why mall? My classes!

Ranbir : uhho Aryan, girls get attracted with well dressed men ,
"You know good personalities!"

Aryan: aye aye capt!

In the mall Ranbir selects clothes and accessories for Aryan , but slowly and gradually he starts buying for himself.

Aryan: Ranbir , I think we have come here to buy clothes for me not you!

Ranbir : Ya I know , you should remember good clothes are never more. Try new trends man.

Aryan: You know Ranbir you are shopping like a girl!
(Laughs and this annoys Ranbir )

Ranbir ignores his words and goes for billing..

On the other hand,
Our dear Prachi .

Pragya( while arranging bags):
Prachi, I think you should buy new clothes , as we are going to a new city , so new place and new clothes , what say!

Prachi: No need ma , I already have tons, why waste money and garments . We will buy when we require.
What will I do with my old clothes , they are so fine..
And I'm not a kid to buy clothes again and again...

[Did you see , how opposite they both are. Is their match really fixed , is the matchmaker sure]

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