XIII. The Second Message

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       "So someone broke into Harry's room for a diary?" Alexander asks me as we eat in the Great Hall. "Not just any diary. It apparently belonged to someone named Tom Riddle," I tell him. "Tom Riddle? That sounds familiar," Alexander says as he drinks his juice. His eyes widen, as he comes to an realization. "Tom Riddle? As in Tom Marvolo Riddle?" He asks me. "I guess," I say, unsure of who Tom Riddle is. Alexander rubs his forehead. "Who's Tom Riddle, Alexander?" I ask him. He leans in and brings his voice very low and say, "Lord Voldemort." I gasp. "It was his name before he became what he know him as today. Very few people know of it," Alexander informs me. "Kill. Must kill this time.." I whip my head in the direction of the voice. "Ellie?" Alexander calls me. "Tear.. Kill.." I get up from the table and quickly make my way out of the Great Hall. There is no one there, but I can still hear the voice. "Let me rip.." "Ellie?" Alexander calls. The voice is gone. 

"Did you hear it? Did you hear the voice?" I ask him, panicking. "You heard it?" Harry asks from behind us. Harry and Ron stood by the staircase. "Yes, did you?" I ask him. He nods intensely. "Harry, what in Merlin's name is happening," I say. "Listen, you two talk about this later. Harry's got a game to get to," Ron says pointing to the clock. Harry and Ron rush to the Gryffindor Tower. "Okay so you heard it?" Alexander asks me. I nod. "It was saying it must kill and tear--" "Finn?" Alexander asks from behind me. I turn around and see Finn carrying a letter down the stairs. He jumps on my shoulder and hands me the letter. "Must be important for him to bring it all the way here," Alexander says, trying to get a glance at who the letter is from. "Uncle Newt," I say. I tear open the letter and begin to read it.

"Dear Ellie,

I know very well that I can't stop you from doing something dangerous, so I might as well prepare you for it. I'm surprised you haven't already figured it out.

There's a serpent that is known to kill it's victims by eye contact, it's called a Basilisk. An indirect look will leave the victim petrified. I fear the beast in the Chamber of Secrets is a Basilisk...

Ellie, please don't do anything reckless. I know you know much more than what you told me. Please let one of your professors know.

Keep yourself out of trouble.

With love,
Uncle Newt."

I hit my hand to my head. How could I be so stupid. "Of course, a Basilisk!" I say as I put the letter into my bag. Finn slides into my bag. "I'm not following you," Alexander says. "Basilisk are rare fearsome beasts. They are known as the King of Serpents. They were bred by Dark Wizards like Herpo the Foul. Explains why Salazar Slytherin chose that it. The Basilisk has a murderous stare that leads to instant death. That's why Myrtle died instantly. She stared directly into it's eyes... while everyone else must have had an indirect contact causing them only to be petrified," I say trying to think about the other attacks. "Right, Justin saw it through Nearly Headless Nick, Nearly Headless Nick is already dead so he couldn't die again and Mrs. Norris.... there was water on the floor that night, so she probably saw it's reflection!" Alexander says. I nod. "And Colin must have seen it through his camera... Now, how is it getting through the school?" I say thinking. 

"Hey! Aren't you coming to the Quidditch game?" Seamus shouts. We nod. "We'll have to do this later," I whisper to Alexander. We walk into the stadium. Students are huddled around whispering to each other. "The game is cancelled. Everyone please report back to your dormitories," Professor Dumbledore says through the mic. Alexander and I exchange glances. "You don't think?" I ask him, fearing another attack has happened. "Stay low, and don't do anything without me," Alexander says as he rushes down with the Slytherins to the Dungeons. I walk with the Gryffindors back to our common room. "Any idea what happened?" Dean asks us. We shrug. Professor McGonagall walks in with Harry and Ron. Everyone stands waiting for an explanation. Professor McGonagall lets out a sigh. "There's been two attacks: Hermione Granger and Penelope Clearwater." The students gasp. My body freezes. 

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