IV. The First Message

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        "Good morning class. Today we shall learn the transfiguration spell known as Avifors," Professor McGonagall says as she stands by her desk. "Now, can anyone tell me what an Avifors spell does?" Professor McGonagall asks the class. Hermione's hand shoots up in the air. I look around and see no one else raising their hands, so I keep my hand down. "Yes, Miss Granger?" Professor McGonagall calls her. "Avifors allows you to transform small objects into birds," Hermione says proudly. "Excellent. Now everyone should have a piece of small object in front of them. When I say so, I want you to move your wand like this, and say avifors," Professor McGonagall says demonstrating. She moves her wand in the motion of a sideways eight. The object on her desk turns into a beautiful blue bird. The class exclaims in excitement.  

"Now it is a little tricky, so do not be discouraged if you don't get it on the first try. Go on now, try it out," Professor McGonagall says ushering us to pick up our wands. The students start waving their wands and shouting "avifors." I look down at the tiny object in front of me. I raise my wand and swish it in a sideways eight, saying, "avifors." Suddenly, the object turns into a beautiful blue bird. "Oh excellent! Very impressive, Miss Bane. Five points for Gryffindor," Professor McGonagall says patting my shoulder. I smile at her. The Gryffindor kids around me applaud and go back to their objects. I turn to see Hermione has turned her object into a blue bird. She is now lecturing Ron about how he is holding his wand. Harry is waving his wand at the object, but has no luck. 

"You seem to do well with transfiguration spells," a girl says. I turn around to see a girl with blonde hair in a Ravenclaw robe. Her object had already turned into a blue bird. "Yeah, I've learned a lot of spells before coming to Hogwarts," I inform her. She smiles. "My name is Luna," she tells me. "I'm Ellie," I say introducing myself. "Oh I know who you are, Ellie," Luna says and smiles. She then turns to help her classmate with the spell. I turn back to the front. There were many blue birds in the air. "Well, I might have underestimated you all. Excellent job!" Professor McGonagall says. 

As I walk out of Transfiguration class, someone calls my name. "Ellie!" I stop and see Fred and George running towards me. "If it isn't my favorite twins. What can I do for you?" I ask them. Students walk past us as they go to their classes. "We were wondering how the prank was coming along?" George asks eagerly. "Have you decided what you're doing?" Fred asks me. "I have a few things in mind," I say smiling. "You can't be serious," I hear Hermione say as she, Harry and Ron make their way over to us. "You're not actually going to prank the Slytherins?" Hermione asks me. "I am. I'm actually leaning towards to a foam prank," I tell them. "Foam? Bloody hell, you're going big," Ron says, amused. The boys all nod in agreement.

"Unbelievable," Hermione says as she walks away. "Don't mind her. She doesn't know how to have fun," Ron says to me. I laugh a little. "Foam is going to be a challenge. You're going to have to set it up without anyone seeing," Fred tells me. "I like a challenge," I inform him. Fred and George exchange looks. "We can't wait," they say in unison. "My brothers are serious pranksters," Ron tells me as the twins leave. "I know. You obviously haven't heard the stories of the pranks I've done on Professor Snape," I tell them with a laugh. "Bloody hell. You didn't get into trouble for that?" Ron asks me, completely astonished. I shake my head through my laughter. "Professor Snape enjoys my pranks. He finds them hilarious," I tell them. "Huh, I didn't think Professor Snape knew how to laugh," Harry says quietly. I smile at the boys. "He's not what you think." "Maybe, but I don't think he'll ever show us what he's really like," Ron says with a shrug. "We should get to class," Harry says to us. "Maybe you can tell us the pranks you did on Professor Snape," Ron says, laughing. I fill them in on my pranks as we walk to the third floor for Charms class. 


        "So what do you think Finn?" I ask Finn as I set him on the ledge. He chitters excitedly. I laugh and say, "I'm glad you like it." The courtyard is empty around this time because students are either in the Great Hall for dinner or going back to their dormitories. It is the perfect time for Finn to relax outside of my pocket. Finn lays down on the ledge and points to the sky. I look up. He chitters. "Yeah, the night sky is much more beautiful at Hogwarts," I tell him. We silently watch the sky. "Not enough space in the Gryffindor common room?" I look over and see Draco Malfoy standing by the ledge. I pretend to look behind him. "You're alone? I thought you didn't go anywhere without your gang," I say, acting surprised. 

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