At this question Taeyong looked up in fear his skin getting goose bumps, his mind fearing what the other would say, "what do you mean? Is something wrong" asked Taeyong his voice shaking in fear
"Someone is watching us" YangYang replied his eyes never leaving his phone, while Taeyong looked around frantically.

"Taeyong don't look around, it will make it obvious" warned YangYang making Taeyong nod furiously, "okay you are right". Taeyong turned pale the fear creeping in him. Everything was eerily quiet until they heard a cheery voice, "Sorry I'm late, Johnny didn't want to leave me so I told him I would study in the library alone" said Ten looking at Taeyong, his mood changed completely, "Tae what's wrong?! You look like you have seen a ghost?" Ten asked placing his hand on Taeyong's arm out of concern.
"Oh hey Ten, it's nothing, YangYang here felt like we were being watched, it put Taeyong on edge a bit" said Xiaojun trying to sound as calm as possible.
"Also YangYang, Ten and Ten, YangYang" added Xiaojun motioning between the two.
"Pleasure to meet you" Ten said smiling at YangYang earning him a nod and smirk from YangYang.

Taeyong was trying to calm himself, with everything going on he felt stressed, he was very cautious and weary about his surroundings. At home he acts like everything is okay he doesn't want to worry anyone, Taeil is happy with Doyoung, he hasn't seen his hyung this happy in a long time and he didn't want to ruin it by worrying him, and he definitely didn't want to tell Heachan. So he could only rely on the boys currently present in the library.
"Okay so the party is in 3 days" Ten stated making the others nod.
"Guys, I'm scared what if something goes wrong? What if Kai outsmarts us? What if someone gets hurt? What if -" Taeyong rambled on making Ten grab his arm and YangYang's eyes pop out of his head.
"Hold up? What exactly are we doing? Xiaojun filled me in but I'm confused?" YangYang asked
"We are dealing with a bad person, he has been tormenting me and he is threatening me" Taeyong said not knowing how much he wanted to tell the new comer.
"Listen YangYang, we need you for this, but if you don't want to do it we get it, we won't force you" said Ten but YangYang nodded "Im still in"
"Okay great let's get it" Xiaojun said clapping
"Okay so Taeyong here is gonna get a make over, we can come over to Johnny's he won't be home Friday, the way we want this to go is Kai will try and approach Taeyong he will give us a sign when it happens, Kai will most likely want to get him alone, which we don't want, so no one lose sign if him. The most important thing is for Taeyong to be unharmed and safe" after stating this everyone nodded and Taeyong took a deep breath making YangYang reach over and hold his hand, "Don't worry everything will be fine we will be watching you! You aren't alone"
Ten agreed and added, "Yeah and my friend Taemin will be there, he gots our back, he's the police officer I mentioned before".
Taeyong nodded and gave a small smile after being reassured by his friends, "Thank you, you guys, I'm just scared but I trust us!"
Everyone smiled at Taeyong, and after they chatted for a bit before leaving the now empty library, school had ended so they all agreed to go The Bean Sprout and grab coffee.

"So this is what you have been up to Taeyong? Why won't you tell me? Why not ask for my help?" said a voice out loud coming from the World Atlas section. "Hmmmm should I confront him?" asked the person to no one in general, "No he had his reasons, he must have, I can just help from the sidelines I guess" with that he picked up his book bag and walked out of the library wondering if he should tell the others.


The Bean Sprout

"Wow Taeyong, I didnt know your brother ran a café that's so neat" said YangYang standing outside the café door.
"Yeah, it's a very warm hearted place and hyung makes the best café and boba too" said a very cheerful Taeyong just from think about how happy his hyung is when making coffee or drinks.

Walking in Taeyong smelled the warm and inviting scent of coffee and vanilla. Something about this scent reminded him of home and of a certain brunette. Taeyong was so lost in thought, he didn't see two people in a booth at the far corner one of whom looked surprised to see the group.

"Ten?" said a deep voice from the booth making Ten look over in shock to see no other that his boyfriend Johnny, who looked confused and hurt.
"Johnny?" said Ten not knowing he would bump into Johnny at the café.
"Taeyong?" said another equally confused and hurt voice belonging to the brunette Taeyong was thinking about.
"J-Jaehyun?" said Taeyong in a shaky voice, how Taeyong missed the others touch and comfort, he just wanted to run to him and not care about the world but it would t work out like that.
"Xiaojun!" said YangYang cheesing hard, "we kept blurting our names so why not" he added earning him an elbow shove from Xiaojun.
"Ten i thought you were studying at the library by yourself?" asked Johnny, who's usually always smiling but right now he looked so hurt.
"B-Baby I did but I met Taeyong, Xiaojun, and YangYang who were also studying there" Ten said to which YangYang and Xiaojun nodded in agreement.
"Okay honey! I missed you so much" said a Johnny who smiled brightly again and ran to hug Ten.
"We're gonna grab drinks!" said YangYang dragging away Xiaojun.

"Hey Taeyong" said Jaehyun who avoided all eye contact with the smaller black haired boy.
"Hi Jae" said an equally nervous Taeyong, not knowing how to react. Both boys stayed quite after this small exchange.
"Taeyong, i just wanted to tell you that, I get it, I know you don't like me and I know you want nothing to do with me, I get it. You don't feel the same and as much as it hurts me I will let you go. I really do like you and I want to be with you but I know you don't feel the same." said Jaehyun with deep breaths, each sentence hurting him. He tried to hold in the tears that were threatening to escape but with no luck. His tears falling in streams, never looking at the other.

Taeyong couldn't believe what he just heard his mind racing, everything that Jaehyun said playing over and over in his head, "This is how it's gonna end ? No Jaehyun!"
Taeyong couldn't form words, his mind frozen, his heart beating fast, watching the other cry, he didn't know what to do but his heart did what he couldn't.
As if on instinct, he grabbed Jaehyun's arm and pulled the other towards him, their bodies crashing. Taeyong hugged Jaehyun so hard that he could feel Jaehyun's heart beat fast. The other froze in surprise not knowing what to do.
"Jaehyunnie?" Taeyong said in a whisper, tears that he didn't know had spilled streaming his face.
"Yongie?" replied a confused Jaehyun.
"Jae, I-I missed you" said Taeyong mumbling inaudibly.
"What did you say?" asked a sniffling Jaehyun not understanding what the other had just said.
"I-" Taeyong started but stopped automatically.
"Taeyong, don't forget what the plan is, Kai could be watching" his mind told him making the him pull away and dash up the stairs, with Ten following him who was being tailed by Xiaojun and YangYang.
Leaving a very confused Jaehyun.


~ I had a bit of motivation to publish this chapter! I don't know if it's good or not but let me know what y'all think
*i literally read this chapter probably 6 times debating if I should put it out😭*

And again thank you for everyone who reads my story! ~

And again thank you for everyone who reads my story! ~

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