Chapter 22

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Does she think I don't realize what's going on with her? Just because I'm inside doesn't mean I don't pay attention to what's going on outside. I know her true feelings, yes because I know that she is completely in love with her best friend Barry Allen. I can clearly see the looks she gives him when he is not watching and I also see the looks he gives her when she is distracted by her tasks.

In fact, Caitlin has always liked him since the first day he set foot in STAR Labs ... Even when she discovered that Ronnie was alive, she knew that her heart no longer belonged to him. I admit that this lawyer is a very, very beautiful guy with those eyes and those arms, but she shouldn't be using him to forget Barry.

I'm always giving her a headache to gain judgment and admit at once that she likes Barry, but she is still more stubborn than me, damn girl!

At this moment we were having lunch with the nice lawyer, when his cell phone rings and he leaves us alone at the table. Of course, I took these minutes alone to try to put some judgment into that stubborn head.

- Caity, what are we doing here?

- Having lunch.

- Don't be smart with me, girl. You know what I meant ...

- Yes, I know but I don't want to continue talking about it. Please don't insist.

- Yes, I insist, because it is the truth. You are completely in love with the little hero and the only reason you want to spend time with this attractive lawyer is to forget him.

- Is nothing! I like Justin.

- Oh please, don't make a fool of me. You don't like Justin, you do like Barry. 

- Sorry about that, but I have to leave.- said the lawyer when he returned from the call.

- Why? Something serious?

- No, there was only one case at the last minute and I really have to go to the office. I promise I'll make it up to you next time, Caitlin.- Justin said leaving the restaurant where we were.

- Barry would never leave you alone in the middle of lunch.

"Don't start," exclaimed Caitlin.


I was reaching Jitters when I get a call from Caitlin. I was surprised that she was calling me, since she was on a date with that lawyer.

- Sorry to be bothering you, Barry, but I have a favor to ask you. Do you think you can pick me up at the restaurant? I'll explain to you later.

Obviously I said yes and as soon as the call ended, I told my friends to start without me and I went to the restaurant where Caitlin was. It wasn't that far from the laboratory and when I got there, she was waiting for me at the door.

She explained to me that Justin had to leave because a case had arrived at the last minute. Do you think it's very bad if I told you that I'm so glad this lunch didn't go well ?!

- And you already had lunch?

- Not really. He left before we could ask for anything.

- Do you want to come in? We can eat here. "I said, pointing to the restaurant door.

- We can, but if you don't mind, can we go somewhere else? It is that the food here is not in great quantity, the dishes are very small.

- And where do you want to go? Let's go wherever you want.

- Do you know what I wanted now? A chicken burger with fries and a milkshake.

- That sounds great. - I said taking her in my arms and I took her to a cafe that is on the edge of my house.

I sent a message to Iris saying that after all I was not going to have lunch with them and I apologized for having said it just now, but that something unexpected had come up and that I would tell them that I was going to the staff at the laboratory. She asked me if everything was fine and I said yes, so she could calm down and not think it was serious.

We went into this cafe and sat down at one of the empty tables and when the employee came to take our order, we ordered two chicken burgers, with french fries and a strawberry milkshake for me and a vanilla one for Caitlin.

"Barry?" Asked Caitlin, drawing my attention. "Thank you for picking me up.

- You do not need to thank me. You needed me and I went to help you, in fact it is what a good superhero does.- I said smiling.

In a matter of minutes our orders came to our table and after we had finished lunch, we went to pay and went towards the laboratory, but this time without my super speed. We were talking all the way and I can tell you that it was quite pleasant, this tour at the end of lunch.

Believe it or not, we were the first to arrive at the laboratory, even though the place where we went to lunch was much further away than Jitters. Meanwhile, the staff arrived and went to their "places" of work. This seemed like a calm afternoon, with no signs of metahuman attacks, but not everything it seems is, since about mid-afternoon, we had news about the meta that kidnapped Wells' niece.

When we see the surveillance cameras, we can see him outside an area of ​​residence, which has been abandoned for some months. We decided that the best thing was for Harry and Cisco to stay here in the lab, while me, Ralf, Wally and Caitlin, or rather, Killer Frost went to the place.

- Guys, I see at least one person in house number 57.- said Cisco to the intercom.

- Let's go in carefully. Cisco, I want you to keep an eye on the cameras to see if the man comes back, "I said and we went to house number 57.

We entered carefully and from what we can see, there is no one else in this house except for the girl. She was lying on a mattress in the living room area and when we got to her, she seemed to be unconscious and with some wounds on her face and on her left and a bigger one on her right leg.

"We need Caitlin," I said, turning to Killer Frost.

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