Chapter 16

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Yesterday was a day of very strong emotions and just thinking that today at this hour I could already be in my new place of work, makes me shiver. I always knew that STAR Labs was like a second home to me, but I didn't want the happiness of one of my best friends to be compromised just by working here, so I thought that decision would be the best, but I am very happy for staying here.

Today, in the lab, it would just be me, Cisco and Wally, as Barry had to stay at CCPD all day. In the morning when I arrived at the lab, Cisco and Wally were already talking, about a new prototype of a weapon that Cisco has been working on for a few weeks.

I said good morning and sat at my desk and turned on my computer, starting to check the city's surveillance cameras, as usual. Don't get me wrong, because I love working with Barry, Cisco and Wally but sometimes I look around and really miss Wells. He brought freshness to the Flash team, whether in new ideas or just in his company.

- Glad you already arrived Caitlin, because I have a surprise for you.- said Cisco after finishing the conversation with Wally.

- Seriously? What it is?

"Come with me and you'll see," he said, causing me to get up from my chair and follow him, with Wally beside me, who was also curious.

We entered the disguise room, where the suits Barry used to fight in were found, until he had what he currently wears. He asked me to cover my eyes and as soon as I did, I heard some strange noises and when I opened my eyes I saw a new suit. It was really beautiful ... Dark blue and black with a large flake of ice in the union of the two colors.

- Cisco, this is ...

- Yes, it's your new suit. I thought it would be better to have one, since Killer Frost will be able to assist Flash and Kid Flash on their missions. What you say? Do you like it?

- If I like it? Cisco, it's beautiful.

" Well, well, well .. Look at that ... I'm going to look very hot in that suit!!!! " -KF.

- Killer Frost also approves of the fact.- I said smiling, after her comment in my head.

- I'm glad you like it. I've been working on it for the past few months and I think it's finally ready to be used.

- Thanks Cisco, I don't even know how to thank you.

- No need. A superhero must have her super suit.

"Superhero... Thats new... I kinda like it!"-KF

The suit was really beautiful and it was definitely Killer Frost's style. We went back to the control room and put my suit in a window next to the Flash and Kid Flash suits. I never thought in my life to have my suit in the window, but right now I feel very proud and very happy.

It was time for lunch and after some discussion about where we were going to have lunch, the three of us came to an agreement to eat here and so Cisco and Wally went to get food while I stayed here. I went to the weapons room and got a small table that I was free to take to the control room so that we could put the food there and then I went to get a chair so that Wally could sit.

I went back to the control room with the chairs in my hands when I saw the last person I expected to see here.

- Iris? What are you doing here? "I asked after setting the chair down.

- I can ask you the same thing... What are you doing here?

- I work here!

- Don't play dumb ... I know that the only reason you came back to this lab and this team was to be closer to Barry. You wanted to steal him from me and you did it! Congratulations!

- Iris is nothing like that. Barry and I are friends and yes, I'm happy to be able to work with him, but I already worked here, before Barry set foot in this place.

- You must be very happy, aren't you? You managed to separate me from him ...

- I'm not happy about that. In fact, I never wanted that to happen.

"Liar!" Shouted Iris. "You made Barry not want to be with me anymore.

- No ... you did it, Iris. You with your absurd suspicions and your ultimatum ... You took Barry away from yourself.

- Do not play dumb because it does not look good, Snow. I know you were overjoyed when you heard about our separation. That was what you wanted, wasn't it? The free way for you to stay with him.

- I know he already told you this, but I will mention it again ... Me and Barry are just friends and nothing more than that. You are just as you are because you don't trust him.

- Nonsense! We are as we are because of you.

- I don't want to argue with you, Iris. I don't think it's worth it! If I were you, I would use this time when you are separated to think things over ... If you think about it, you will see that your accusations are ridiculous.

- If I were you, I would stay away from Barry. Yes, we don't want the same thing to happen to Ronnie.

- Excuse me?

- Ronnie got involved with you and ended up dying ... In fact twice! We don't want the same thing to happen to Barry.

"That bitch!!"-KF.

- Don't get Ronnie on the subject. He died to save our city and your boyfriend, not because of me.

- If you had fled this city with him, when he asked you, his death would not have happened.

- How do you know that?

- I overheard your conversation with Cisco. I was here to visit Barry and I ended up hearing it accidentally.

" This snake is already abusing .... " KF.

- What happened to me and Ronnie is none of your business and if I didn't go with him, it was because I had responsibilities here. This team needed and still needs me.

- Do you really think so? Or just say that to alleviate your guilt ...

"What are you doing here, Iris?" Asked Wally when he and Cisco got here with the food.

- I came to pick up some of my things that stayed here and ended up talking to Caitlin. But I was leaving. Get away from Barry! "She whispered the last part so that only I could hear and then left.

- What did she tell you? What did you have to talk about? "Asked Cisco.

- Nothing important. Thing about the team and the missions ... Shall we eat? - I asked, addressing the bags they had brought.

That last question she asked me, it didn't leave my head. Was it really true that the team needed me at that time? Or was it just that I didn't want to leave the edge of my friends and that's why I didn't leave this city with Ronnie ?!

For the rest of the afternoon, I tried to stay as calm as possible and tried not to imply that something was bothering me, but I know that Cisco is suspicious of something, but he still hasn't said anything. Maybe he believed the story that Iris just asked me how things were going around here, but something told me that he was very suspicious.

When we left, we packed up and left the lab. After leaving Wally at his house, I went to mine and when I got there I changed my clothes and made my dinner, despite not being very hungry.

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