Chapter 15

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After we left STAR Labs, I went with Caitlin to her home, where after waiting for her to bathe, I was helping her make dinner for us. We ended up making pasta with chicken breast and after dinner, I went home in an instant to change clothes and then I told her that I was going to meet her here to go together for karaoke.

Of course, with the help of my super speed, it was really quick to change clothes and when I got to Caitlin's house I still had to wait for her to finish getting ready. I received a message from Cisco saying he was already on his way to the cafe and after informing Caitlin of this update, she left the room and then we left her house.

Half an hour later we had arrived at the cafe, because we got traffic and Caitlin didn't want me to use my speed.

- I told you we could have gotten here faster if we came running.

- Okay, but you already know that you shouldn't be seen using your powers. The reason for wearing a mask is so that no one knows your true identity ... So you are not at risk, just to arrive early at a café, which by the way is quite busy.

- Alright, Alright ... You're right!

- So already arguing? Let me guess, Barry wanted to use what we know and you tell him not to.- said Cisco after we sat down at the table where he was.

- Basically.- we answered the two at the same time, causing Cisco to break up laughing.

My night had everything to run smoothly, if it weren't for the little "date" I had with my ex-girlfriend. I noticed that she had entered this bar, in the company of three more friends. She also seemed to have seen me, as she barely looked in my direction, she stopped halfway and when she saw that Caitlin was beside me, her face transmitted an irritation.

Seconds later she turned to her friends again and they sat down at one of the tables that were still free. From time to time I still looked at her and when I did I noticed that her eyes were on my table.

"What's going on?" Asked Caitlin, not understanding why I was a little uncomfortable.

- I think I can answer that question. Look to your right side.- said Cisco, answering Caitlin's question.

- Oh! - she exclaimed, turning to me again. - Do you want to leave? I understand that you are not feeling well because you are both here.

- You know what? No, we will stay. I will not stop doing the things I like or want because of her.

- That's the spirit, my friend. - said Cisco smiling and we turned our attention to the cafe owner, who was going to start the karaoke night.

- Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, let's start another karaoke night. Anyone who wants to sign up can go to the counter and consult the list of songs we have available and give their name to the maid.

They opened the karaoke night and some people left their tables to go to the counter. I still felt a little uncomfortable with the situation of Iris being here, but I also will not stop visiting the places, just because my ex can also be there or can appear at any time.

The people who went on stage, some were talented, but others were really hard to not start laughing. Being here tonight reminds me of the night I went to a karaoke bar with Caitlin, due to a metahuman and ended up singing Summer Loving. That memory always leaves me with a smile on my face!

It was getting late and the three of us had work in the morning, so we went to pay for what we consumed and got in Caitlin's car. We took Cisco first, since he was the one who lived closest and then we went towards my house. I said goodbye to Caitlin and went into the house, went to my room to change clothes and put on my pajamas and then lay down on the bed.

In the morning I woke up with the alarm clock, as always, I got up, did my morning hygiene, got dressed, had breakfast and left the house towards the CCPD, because today I would be there all day. Today was one of those days, rare but its happening, when I won't be able to go to the laboratory.

Of course, I sent Cisco a message saying that if something urgent happens, they would let me know and I would run there. I arrived at the CCPD and went to get a coffee and then sit in my chair. There, I had a little chat with Joe and we knew we were going to have a new detective.

- I already knew that you and Iris are definitely over ... How are you?

- I don't even know exactly what I feel at the moment ... I think I still haven't figured out that we're done for good. I have always liked Iris, since I was little and when I finally have the relationship I always dreamed of, she doesn't trust me and it hurts me a lot. But I couldn't help but befriend Caitlin because of Iris's jealousy.

- Of course not! You made the right choice by not choosing any of them. Give her time ... She will understand that she is acting badly and realize that between you and Caitlin there is nothing but a good friendship.

- Now I have to go on with my life. Yes, I am very sad to have ended the relationship. Yes, I still love her too much but I don't think about being depressed by our separation.

- And you do very well. You know that I love my daughter with all my heart ... But I want the best for you both and if this is the best ... let it be!

- Thanks Joe.

This morning we met the new detective from our police station and he seem to be a very nice person. There were a few cases today but nothing that could not be resolved quickly, since most of it was robbery and after I collected the evidence on the spot, my job would be done entirely at the CCPD.

At lunch I went with Joe to Jitters, where we met with Cisco, Wally, who came to get lunch for them and Caitlin and after lunch, me and Joe went back to CCPD, in my case, to fill out more paperwork. The rest of my day at CCPD was very calm and even a little boring, as my job consisted of signing paperwork and washing and tidying up my laboratory utensils.

When my shift ended, it was almost seven-thirty at night and I went home, where I took a quick shower and took care of dinner. As today I had stayed at CCPD all day, tomorrow I would only go there in the morning and in the afternoon I could already be at STAR Labs, in the company of my friends.

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