If you've read all my chapters, please read this.

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Hi everyone,
I started writing these two years ago, and it has an amount of views and votes I never, ever expected.
Although I won't be writing any more one shots for this story for now, I want to thank every single person that read my stories, even if you didn't like them, because you at least gave them a chance.
Two years ago, as I wrote this book, I was at a very low place mentally and tonight I was reading some of the comments people left me. It brought me to tears.
THANK YOU. Your kind, supporting words meant and mean the world to me. It just goes to show how amazing strangers on the internet can be.
I also wanted to update you guys to tell you that I am STILL PURSUING WRITING. I'm currently writing a serious novel that has over 50,000 words. I hope to finish it and publish it soon...in case anyone cared!
I know not many people will read this, if any, but thank you again for everything, the support honestly moves me to tears.
I would be so open to writing one shots for another story, does anyone have any films/series they are into at the moment that they would like me to write about?
The only idea I have is for Outerbanks (JJ x Kiara) hahaha.
Anyway, let me know.
I love you all so very much from the bottom of my heart!
Alice, a girl from London who loves to write :)

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