Jade Winglet

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The Jade Winglet is in a cave working on random stuff because they are bored. Qibli and Winter are drawing Moon. Kinkajou is making paper airplanes. Turtle is writing a story. Moon is seeing the future. Peril is watching lizards die under her talons.

"Guys, do you know what might be fun," Moon peeped.

"What do you have in mind?" Qibli wondered.

"We can play truth or dare," Moon suggested. Everyone stops what they're doing and looks at Moon curiously.

"I thought we weren't going to play that game after what Glory, Deathbringer, Clay, and Sunny did," Turtle reminded them. "Not to mention what our future dragonents did."

"That's true but I'm really bored," Moon whined.

They nod and then look at each other. "Being bored trumps (I hope that is not insulting) being rational," Peril yelled.

"Yeah!" Qibli cheered. "Let's play the game," he said.

"Ooo, can I go first?" Kinkajou asked. They nodded and Kinkajou put on a mischievous grin. "Moon! Truth or Dare?" She asked.

"Oh Moons," Moon groaned. "Uh, truth."

"Darn it! I had a good dare!" Kinkajou sighed. "Have you ever kissed somedragon?"

Qibli and Winter lean forward curiously. Moon ignores them and said, "no I have not."

"Yet," Qibli and Winter said together. They stare at each other weirdly.

"Although I do hope that I get my first kiss soon," Moon sighed dreamily.

"Sooner than you think," Kinkajou muttered.

"Anyways, Peril truth or dare?" Moon asked.

"DARE!" Peril exclaimed. "And make it hard and embarrassing!"

"Are you sure?" Turtle wondered. "Last time you did something embarrassing you almost killed me for letting you do it."

"Riiigthhhttt, I remember that," Moon said. "I won't make you something embarrassing unless you promise that you won't see me on fire."

"Fine I won't set you on fire...a little bit," Peril huffed. Moon gives Peril a warning look. "Fine! I won't set you fire...at all."

"I foresee I'm going to regret this," Moon muttered. "I dare you to tell the Dragonets of Destiny and your mom that your with egg...and not one egg but two."

On unfortunate timing, a poor lizard walks right by Peril and she squishes it with her talons. It makes a sad squeal and dies really slowly. While that is happening, Peril looks at Moon with a death stare but then smiles.

"That...is...the... PERFECT DARE!" Peril clapped. "But how will we bring Kestrel back from the dead?"

"Simple, we just ask our dragonets to do it," Kinkajou smiled. "Ooo, this will be FUN!" she laughed.

*They go to the future (somehow) and go to their dragonents*

Moon walks up to Starguider. "Hello darling!"

"AGH!" Starguider screamed. "What the heck are you guys doing here?!" She exclaimed.

"We just need one favor, will you bring Kestrel to our time so we can do this one game?" Qibli asked.

"...fine...just don't tell Nighthowler I did this," Starguider sighed. She snapped her claws. "There? Happy now? No go before you, dad, and Kinkajou come over here!" Starguider growled.

"Bye sweetie," Moon waved.

*They go to the DoD and Kestrel. Deathbringer is eyeing Kestrel angrily and so is Glory*

"Hey guys," Peril said. "Hey mom."

"Hi Peril," Clay smiled. "Did you want to talk?"

"Yes...um...I'm with eggs," Peril winced. There was silence, you could hear the crickets chrip.

"Y-you did this to her!!!!!" Kestrel roared. She looked at Clay and Clay's eyes were wide.

"I-I didn't-h-help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Clay screamed as Kestrel chased him around the cave.

"H-how?" Glory wonders, shocked. "Y-you and C-clay?"

"Makes you wonder what our dragonet will look like," Deathbringer grinned.

Glory raised her eye ridge. "Wait! Did you say eggs as in plural?" Starflight asked.

Everyone stopped doing what they were doing. "Yyyyesss," Peril said slowly.

"I-I'm going to die a dragonet," Clay groaned.

"Congrats?" Sunny shrugged.

"Wow," Tsunami said.

In the bushes watching the group and trying desperately to not laugh was the Jade Winglet.

"Should we help Clay?" Kinkajou laughed.

"I think he's fine," Moon giggled.

Clay is being chased by Kestrel and Peril is chasing after Kestrel.

"She's going to kill me!" Clay screamed.

"You bet I am!!!" Kestrel roared.

"Oh no you aren't!!!" Peril screamed.

"See, fine," Moon reassured.

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